![]() ![]() I've
attempted to cover most of the archives and other "X-Files"-
= Fanfic archives = Home
to probably 80 percent of all the XF fanfic ever written, Gossamer is
in reality several separate sites — three mirror sites of the main story
archive, along with separate sections for unfinished stories and "specialty"
stories such as poems and filks. This link will take you to the main
site, where you can pick an archive or be automatically directed to
one of the mirror sites. The archive is run by Deirdre and a team of
volunteers who do massive amounts of work to keep the archive updated
regularly. They're great about removals and changes, too!
This is the ATXC auto-archive, for stories that haven't reached Gossamer yet. Stories posted through the alt.tv.x-files.creative newsgroup, directly or via the various mailing lists that provide forwarding services, are automatically picked up and archived at this site until they are added to Gossamer. The name refers to the transitory nature of the archive; stories are only contained here for a few months at most. It's run by Scott Miller, who does a fantastic job and certainly doesn't deserve all the crap he gets put through for it. Be nice to him!
One of my favorite places to visit, The Annex houses novel-length X-Files stories; that is, stories at least 200K in length. Stories are listed complete with book covers and introductions from the authors in most cases. Maintained by lore. This is one of the most complete archives of post-episode stories I know of. Maintained by Lynn. This archive contains the stories written for the weekly improvisational exercise on the Scullyfic mailing list. Maintained by Luperkal. Yes, that is short for what you think it is short for. New, naughty and fun, but strictly NC-17. Maintained by "SoloFBI." An archive of fic about or featuring John Doggett or Monica Reyes. Maintained by Lara Means. Sadly, the message board is all that's left of ChronicleX these days. But it's still THE place to go to find that story you just can't seem to track down ... Links to nearly every specialized archive out there. A branch of the above, offering links to individual author pages.
= Recommendation sites =
members of the Primal Screamers got together during the summer of 1997
to stalk Lydia Bower for her post-"Gethsemane" work-in-progress, "Primal
Sympathy" (one of my favorite stories). Since then, they've built this
site offering fanfic recommendations out the wazoo, including a primer
of "must-reads" for both new readers and old. Maintained by Lesley.
The Yeti provides high-quality, short-term recs they're on the site for about two weeks at a time. Plus she's fun! A great low-volume
recs page. Maintained by Libertine. Features recs from the inhabitants -- Diana Battis, cameo, Jintian Li, mountainphile, Blackwood, Forte, Mish and Audrey Roget. Recs, fic and fun
from a group of fine-feathered friends.
A different kind of recs site, this one houses award-winning stories from contests including the Spookys, Starbucks, and the defunct Morleys.
= Resources for writers = Deep Background (site being moved) Everything
you always wanted to know about "The X-Files" but were afraid to ask,
from character histories to medical information to detailed episode
summaries. Maintained by Brynna. Detailed
transcripts of every episode, making for great help on research for
stories and discussions. Maintained by CarrieK. This new site offers
essays from authors on the processes involved in writing and psoting
good fanfic, as well as links to other helpful resources and even interviews
with authors. Maintained by Nicola. This is a comprehensive
guide to grammar and writing styles in the X-Files universe, covering
everything from the its/it's choice to how to spell Krycek and Frohike.
Maintained by Kipler. Minotaur's Sex Tips for Slash Writers Very NC-17 (so be
warned), this site is mainly aimed at male/male sex acts but is very
thorough and helpful for other types of smut writing, too.
= General X-Files links = The X-Files' Haven for the FBI's Most Unwanted News,
spoilers, fanfic, pictures, message boards ... your one-stop "X-Files"
shop. Maintained by Amy. All
things Mulder and some of the best images around. Hoo-boy ... Maintained
by Kimerikal. These
aren't strictly XF-related, but IMO, they are the top sites focused
on David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. Both offer loads of images,
interview transcripts, and information on other projects. GAWS is Gillian's
official site. And, of course, the link to end all links ... This is the Official Site, offering interviews and video clips, episode summaries and image, contests, and more. Since the redesign, this has become one of the best official show sites out there. Unfortunately, the redesign also means the site may crash some browsers. Be sure you have Flash and have javascript enabled if you want the full effect. It may also trap your browser, which is why the link is set to open in a separate browser window.
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