PotusAndLeo: Wonders who started this.
Lysandra: We have tried and tried to convince Lena that there should be smut
SarahEvilParsons: Thy're nailed to the perch.
cofax7: lol
AliciaSweets: or The Parrot Sense
PotusAndLeo: Is thinking someone should stop it.
SarahEvilParsons: There SHOULD be smut.
LeoAndPotus: There should be smut.
cofax7: there must be smut
PotusAndLeo: There should be smut.
AliciaSweets: There should be smut.
SarahEvilParsons: There should ALWAYS be smut.
JourneyToX: Call an end to it, O Potus
cofax7: oh what my mother would say <g>
Lysandra: Lena is Adamant.
Magdeleine: I tell you, I TELL YOU, it won't work into the plot.
PotusAndLeo: There will be no more Parrots.
Lysandra: But Shannon's gonna write it.
JourneyToX: But there must be smut.
AliciaSweets: It's cruel to leave poor Scully with "blue balls".
AliciaSweets: <g>
LeoAndPotus: Potus, you have veto power.
LeoAndPotus: Veto.
PotusAndLeo: I veto the parrots.
cofax7: damn. no smut?
Magdeleine: The whole damn point of the thing is that everyone is frustrated. That Is Why People Die.
AliciaSweets: Okay, it's an ex-parrot.
cofax7: LOL
PotusAndLeo: I call to order...the first witness!
AliciaSweets: Ohhhhh....
Lysandra: No, don't veto the parrots. Veto the NotSmut
LeoAndPotus: We can call a moratorium on parrots. And a live-atorium on smut.
JourneyToX: No more parrots. But there must be smut.
LeoAndPotus: So shall it be.
SarahEvilParsons: Well, they SOLVE this case don't they?
Magdeleine: oh god
SarahEvilParsons: So there should be celebratory fucking.
cofax7: someone shall write smut.
PotusAndLeo: cofax, you are called as the first witness. Please take the stand.
AliciaSweets: good point, Evil!
cofax7: Yes, POTUS
SarahEvilParsons: Right.
Magdeleine: yes, but that'll take 15 chapters and I'm already so very tired of the thing...
SarahEvilParsons: So pass it off to one of us.
PotusAndLeo: cofax, did you or did you not see Evil leave the 7-11?
cofax7: <laughing while on the stand>
AliciaSweets: We can write the smut for you, Lena
Magdeleine: ohgod
LeoAndPotus: We can indeed.
eviltwinojesemie has entered the room.
JourneyToX: <---- being lawyerly
cofax7: I did or did not see Evil leae the 7-11
SarahEvilParsons: I do not shop at 7-11.
LeoAndPotus: And the spokesgoate is here to testify.
cofax7: Hiya JET
PotusAndLeo: Evil.
SarahEvilParsons: I shop at White Hen.
cofax7: next Q?
PotusAndLeo: cofax, did you not see Evil at the 7-11?
SarahEvilParsons: Pantry.
cofax7: Yes.
PotusAndLeo: You did not?
cofax7: yes
JourneyToX: Objection. Asked and answered.
PotusAndLeo: Shall I badger you?
SarahEvilParsons: She did NOT.
JourneyToX: You are badgering the witness already.
cofax7: no badgering. What Kim said.
Magdeleine: <laughing hysterically>
SarahEvilParsons: Where shall you get a badger?
LeoAndPotus: <-- has been known to drive through the Dairy Barn, where there are Oompa-Loompas to get one's Cool Ranch Doritos.
SarahEvilParsons: I would LOVE cool ranch doritos.
PotusAndLeo: I shall get a badger at 7-11.
cofax7: which 7-11 was this, anyway?
SarahEvilParsons: But they contain carbs.
Magdeleine: mmmm, Doritos...
PotusAndLeo: Or, barring that, the Piggly-wiggly.
PotusAndLeo: Bagers also contain carbos.
JourneyToX: Ooompa Loompas. ROFL.
LeoAndPotus: The badger will come avec cool ranch doritos.
SarahEvilParsons: Yes.
JourneyToX: I have a Piggly Wiggly shirt.
cofax7: is there another question, or can I get down from the stand? My feet are cold
LeoAndPotus: The Oompa Loompas will bring the badger.
SarahEvilParsons: Or no, actually.
PotusAndLeo: cofax, you may call your first witness.
SarahEvilParsons: Badgers are made of meat.
Magdeleine: LOL at stand
cofax7: Me?
SarahEvilParsons: Meat has few carbs if any.
JourneyToX: Badgers are filthy animals. And bite.
PotusAndLeo: Do not badger me.
Magdeleine: what the hell is this case, anyway??
cofax7: Who am I representing?
LeoAndPotus: These badgers are made of cool ranch doritos.
SarahEvilParsons: Evil.
PotusAndLeo: If you must ask.
cofax7: what's the cause of action?
PotusAndLeo: Clearly you are GUILTY!
cofax7: Kim?
LeoAndPotus: You are representing Smut.
LeoAndPotus: In the face of Lena.
cofax7: Oh.
LeoAndPotus: And Parrots.
SarahEvilParsons: Good. There must be smut.
PotusAndLeo: The parrots.
SarahEvilParsons: In the face of Lena.
cofax7: I call... Robbie
LeoAndPotus: Evil said...oh, never mind.
PotusAndLeo: cofax, when was the last time you spoke to the Goates?
SarahEvilParsons: Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
cofax7: No, no, I'm the counsel, not the witness!
JourneyToX: Wait, she called Robbie.
SarahEvilParsons: I understand she has a "Scully do".
LeoAndPotus: Kim is on retainer for the campaign.
Magdeleine: oh god, I'm gonna have to defend myself here sometime
PotusAndLeo: You are both.
JourneyToX: She's off the stand.
LeoAndPotus: You are both.
LeoAndPotus: Move us through space and time.
cofax7: I call Robbie to the stand.
PotusAndLeo: on the bus.
AliciaSweets: <--drooling over the DD pics in the new Movieline.
PotusAndLeo: I am tired of this trial.
LeoAndPotus: Fine. Robbie.
cofax7: <waves my WIP whip>
JourneyToX: <--- feels much mo bettah now that she has a retainer check
Magdeleine: oh god
Lysandra: here!
SarahEvilParsons: Perhaps we shall have to purchase a Movieline.
PotusAndLeo: We might
Lysandra: sorry, I was setting my cable timer
AliciaSweets: Gertie has the pics.
SarahEvilParsons: Hmmmm.
Magdeleine: yyyyikes!
cofax7: Um. Robbie, did you or did you not tell Lena there was to be smut in the parrotfic?
JourneyToX: Your cable honks anyway
AliciaSweets: http://duchovny.net/newphotos.htm
Lysandra: I did.
AliciaSweets: I'm anxiously sleeping by my mailbox until my copy arrives.
cofax7: thank you.
LeoAndPotus: Robbie, do you or do you not know seven terms that either mean Badger or imply Smut? Alphabetically.
PotusAndLeo: In order.
cofax7: And robbie, are you or are you not the Ropo-Beta?
Lysandra: Badger.
Lysandra: Cunnilingus
PotusAndLeo: Who are you calling a badger?
Lysandra: Fuck
JourneyToX: The Red Badger of Courage
PotusAndLeo: I move to have "Fucking Badgers" stricken from the record!
Lysandra: Licking
Magdeleine: <putting head down to laugh hysterically>
PotusAndLeo: No licking of badgers!
Lysandra: Making Looooove
PotusAndLeo: It is unhygenic!
LeoAndPotus: Fucking badgers are stricken. Licken badgers are fucked. Perhaps.
Lysandra: Rutting
JourneyToX: I think I need a drink
Lysandra: Shagging
cofax7: Can I prompt my witness?
Magdeleine: I definitely need a drink
LeoAndPotus: That is indeed seven.
LeoAndPotus: Yes, you may.
PotusAndLeo: This would be better with a drink.
cofax7: Robbie, you are the Ropo-Beta, is that not true?
LeoAndPotus: Indeed. It would.
PotusAndLeo: Then Sabine can explain her three worlds to us.
Lysandra: The Trial of Magdeleine Quinn <g>
Lysandra: I am.
Magdeleine: gaaaaawd
Lysandra: I am the Ropo-Beta
shawnexf: bwahahahaaaaa
cofax7: And in your position as RopoBeta, did you not tell Lena she had to have smut in her parrotfic?
shawnexf: <-- deeply amused
Lysandra: I did.
cofax7: And what was her response?
LeoAndPotus: I have two worlds. But one of the worlds has a world in it. It is not my fault.
PotusAndLeo: It is your fault.
Lysandra: Ms. Quinn put her head in her hands, and said no.
PotusAndLeo: For it is not my fault.
cofax7: And what was her explanation?
LeoAndPotus: May I prompt the Coordinator of Moving Through Space and Time?
cofax7: sure
Magdeleine: Robbie, you'd better tell the WHOLE REASON.
JourneyToX: Objection. Privileged.
Lysandra: Some dreck about how she can't write smut.
LeoAndPotus: cofax.
cofax7: yes.
cofax7: Sab.
shawnexf: LOL @ Robbie
Magdeleine: <attacking Robbie>
Magdeleine: THAT'S NOT ALL I SAID!!!
shawnexf: attacking the witness!
cofax7: Goes to motive, y'r honor
Lysandra: And she claimed it didn't fit. But I poo-pooed that.
LeoAndPotus: Will you or will you not ask Robbie, the Ropo-Beta, to ask Lena if she has indeed asked her coworker out on a date?
JourneyToX: Objection!
shawnexf: the defendant is attacking the witness!
Lysandra: Bailiff!!
Lysandra: She is hruting me!
JourneyToX: Objection!
Lysandra: hurting, even!
cofax7: lol
Magdeleine: I'm not hruting anyone!
cofax7: counsel for the prosecution fall sout of her chair
JourneyToX: Call for order, Your Honors.
LeoAndPotus: Order.
LeoAndPotus: Order a pizza.
PotusAndLeo: I would like a taco.
Lysandra: LOL!
LeoAndPotus: Bring it by Oompa-Loompa.
cofax7: lol
JourneyToX: I bet you would!
LeoAndPotus: Please.
Magdeleine: This whole courtroom is out of order!
PotusAndLeo: Thank you.
Lysandra: YOU are out of order!
cofax7: screamig with laughter
LeoAndPotus: We are in order.
Lysandra: For not writing smut!
LeoAndPotus: We are alphabetically by height.
PotusAndLeo: Punk ponders this.
Lysandra: ::jumping vehemently ourt of chair::
JourneyToX: The witness is testifying without queries.
VeeHemently: Who, me?
VeeHemently: You rang?!
Lysandra: LOL
Magdeleine: <jumping just as vehemently out of my chair>
cofax7: lol
Lysandra: sorry, no,I just jumped you, Vee
cofax7: lololololol
VeeHemently: Oh, the joys of being an adverb!
Magdeleine: LOLOL
Lysandra: <-- still feeling a little slashy
JourneyToX: <taking retainer check to bank to cash, just to be safe>
PotusAndLeo: I am an adjective.
VeeHemently: I feel so loved
shawnexf: <admires what Punk is pondering>
PotusAndLeo: Has lost her maroon yet again.
AliciaSweets: Ooh, me too. ::happy sigh::
cofax7: ow, I hurt!
Lysandra: I am a noun and a verb
JourneyToX: Sue someone, Cofax. Here's my card.
cofax7: wipes face. Takes card.
Magdeleine: I am all things. None of which are smutty at the moment.
cofax7: are you barred in Cal, Kim? <g>
PotusAndLeo: Banned, perhaps.
JourneyToX: The failure of Smut on lena's fault is not surprising, Your Honors
cofax7: where were we <straightens suit jacket>
Lysandra: She needs to be barred in Illinois
Magdeleine: uh oh
JourneyToX: They let me in last week!
JourneyToX: I've been in bars in California AND Illinois
Magdeleine: i don't know if i wanna hear this
JourneyToX: Lena's Smut-Deficient.
JourneyToX: She can't smut.
JourneyToX: And she can't ask men out.
cofax7: So. RopoBeta says that the writer (aka Lena) knows that the readers want smut
JourneyToX: It's not her fault.
Magdeleine: ...Is this supposed to be my DEFENSE?
JourneyToX: Blame her parents. She wasn't breast fed either.
LeoAndPotus: There is no defense.
Magdeleine: I was too!
LeoAndPotus: It is indefensible.
cofax7: Objection your ohonor! Speculative!
JourneyToX: You get what you pay for!
shawnexf: LOL
LeoAndPotus: We are speculative honors.
PotusAndLeo: Indefatigable as well.
Lysandra: <-- wasn't breastfed but has at least made an attempt at smut-writing.
JourneyToX: <--- what Robbie said
cofax7: I think Robbie's still on the stand
LeoAndPotus: She is indeed.
cofax7: Your witness, Kim
cofax7: <g>
Magdeleine: who the hell's my lawyer? Kim?
JourneyToX: I think it's a fine defense if you were deprived as a child and couldn't form a healthy attitude toward smutting and asking men out.
PotusAndLeo: Finds she has ceased the parrot talk but started something entirely disagreeable.
JourneyToX: Fraid so, Lena
Lysandra: Lena, you are representing yourself.
Magdeleine: yes, but that doesn't make me feel very good about myself... ah well.
AliciaSweets: I'm gonna motor
LeoAndPotus: Wonders what Evil will do in this situation.
AliciaSweets: i've got 20 pages left in my book.
Magdeleine: <clinging to Kim>
AliciaSweets: And you lost me all with the legal stuff.
JourneyToX: Now, Robbie, just a few questions.
shawnexf: awww
shawnexf: bye Alicia
AliciaSweets: Goodnight, all!
Lysandra: awww. Bye, Alicia
PotusAndLeo: bye Alicia.
cofax7: bye Alicia
JourneyToX: You asked Lena to smut?
LeoAndPotus: Waves goodbye to Alicia.
Magdeleine: bye Alicia!
JourneyToX: Au revoir Alicia!
Lysandra: ::squirming in chair::
PotusAndLeo: Feels like poking holes in someone's plot.
JourneyToX: Your answer, Ms Andra?
cofax7: <nods at Robbie>
AliciaSweets has left the room.
Magdeleine: LOL
Lysandra: I asked her to *write* smut, yes.
PotusAndLeo: She bop?
Magdeleine: <howwwwwwl>
cofax7: LOL
Lysandra: I did not ask her to smut me.
LeoAndPotus: Let it be stated for the record that Smut is a verbe and should be conjugated as such. I smut, you smut, he/she/it smuts.
shawnexf: LOL
JourneyToX: You asked her to write smut and you were....insistent about it?
PotusAndLeo: How are your worlds coming, Sabine?
LeoAndPotus: My worlds are two and then some.
PotusAndLeo: They Smut.
Lysandra: I would use the word 'encouraging.'
LeoAndPotus: They do indeed.
PotusAndLeo: You Plural Smuts.
cofax7: <ex parte: Sab - I want more of your worlds>
LeoAndPotus: I will require you with them.
LeoAndPotus: I will bring worlds to cofax.
JourneyToX: Encouraging. Well then. You encouraged her to smut and ....she replied "She could not!"
cofax7: cool.
cofax7: hearsay!
JourneyToX: Isn't that what you said earlier?
cofax7: <g>
PotusAndLeo: Where are the Voters, comma, oracular tonight?
JourneyToX: It slipped by earlier, counselor.
Magdeleine: <-- poking Kim... Ask her about why I said it wouldn't work in the plot!
cofax7: true.
cofax7: <shrugs>
LeoAndPotus: And now Sabine must abandon Her Punkness to go take a shower. But she will or will not return at a certain nonspecified point.
JourneyToX: ::::rubbing ribs::::
Lysandra: I do believe she said she couldn't write smut, that is correct.
PotusAndLeo: Punk will probably read some fanfic.
LeoAndPotus: The Leo approves of this.
cofax7: is the judge leaving?
Lysandra: LOL
JourneyToX: Could not write smut. Did she further state it doesn't work in the plot?
Lysandra: it's a free for all
PotusAndLeo: I was under the impression there WAS no judge.
LeoAndPotus: Kim is the judge. And Jury.
Magdeleine: LOL
PotusAndLeo: And lawyer.
LeoAndPotus: And on retainer.
cofax7: Punk should read Sab's end of world
Lysandra: I am the judge.
LeoAndPotus: cofax is also around.
Magdeleine: and my defense attorney...
PotusAndLeo: Punk doesn't have that kind of time.
Lysandra: and the keeper of the points.
PotusAndLeo: TREK
LeoAndPotus: It goes fast.
JourneyToX: In that case, I am taking my check and going to Disney World.
Magdeleine: LOL
cofax7: PUnk should also read Wartime.
LeoAndPotus: Star treK.
PotusAndLeo: Punk should.
JourneyToX: And declaring a mistrial
LeoAndPotus: Punk should.
Magdeleine: no kidding, man.
LeoAndPotus: Leaving.
PotusAndLeo: Punk will finish this story here though.
cofax7: mistrial. OK> we can all go home then -- but Lena should still write some smut
shawnexf: is someone leaving?
shawnexf: bye sabine!
LeoAndPotus: Good luck to Lena Et Al.
cofax7: bye Sab
LeoAndPotus: I am indeed. Bye Shawne.
Magdeleine: At any point do I get to explain why there is no smut?
LeoAndPotus: And cofax. And all.
PotusAndLeo: Bye Leo.
JourneyToX: Yes, well, if she CAN write smut. She can write smut once she breaks through and asks a guy out.
LeoAndPotus: ::POOF::
LeoAndPotus has left the room.
Lysandra: She stated this, yes, however she was of course mistaken.
Magdeleine: bye everyone!
cofax7: she was?
JourneyToX: Au revoir!
cofax7: as in , she can but doesn't know it?
Lysandra: She can.
JourneyToX: She has smut in her but it must be liberated
PotusAndLeo: She's got smut in her soul.
Lysandra: I have explained to her that if I can do it, she can do it. So to speak.
cofax7: consciousness-raising
cofax7: I see support groups.
JourneyToX: She has a mental block against smut.
JourneyToX: But we can break that.
shawnexf: LOL
eviltwinojesemie: She needs smut enlightenment.
VeeHemently: I have a mental block against writing smut. Am I next?
JourneyToX: A 12 smut program
cofax7: she reads it, right?
shawnexf: Kim, are you Lena's lawyer, or what?!
shawnexf: <snicker>
cofax7: I do too, Vee.
cofax7: I'm hardly the best prosecutor on this case.
JourneyToX: At one point I was, but now I've given up and gone to Disney World.
shawnexf: that's great <g>
JourneyToX: The judge left.
shawnexf: I went there ages ago
Lysandra: the defendant is lagging, by the way
cofax7: DD in black leather <wow>
VeeHemently: I can read smut, but only on days beginning with S.
Lysandra: she does read smut
JourneyToX: OOoooooohhhhhh
PotusAndLeo: Are you entering that as evidence, cofax?
VeeHemently: And I can't write it to save my poor little heinie
cofax7: lol, Punk
cofax7: just wandered off to FWMW site
cofax7: should be evidence, though.
cofax7: Has Lena seen any pictures of FWM in leather?
cofax7: then she has entertained the idea of smut
Lysandra: <-- warning lawyers and all court personnel that I will be leaving to watch slashy stuff in 15 minutes
cofax7: and writing is not far behind <g>
VeeHemently: What slashy stuff?
Lysandra: If These Walls Could Talk 2
VeeHemently: Oh that. That's good old outright homo, dear. No slashing necessary.
VeeHemently: I heard Vanessa Redgrave was good in it, though.
cofax7: I heard that too.
cofax7: <lagging a bit as well>
Lysandra: Lysandra:we have voted in your absence that you should write smut,
btw <g>
Magdeleine:oh, you fuckers