just who the hell are Lysandra and Lysistrata?
Why, skanky hos, of course, and damn proud
of the title.
And that's about all you need to know
about us.
After all, we've got a reputation
for bitchiness to live up to.
even more pissed than normal.
After Tripod started shutting down sites
no warning, we made the connection that they
had the same owners as Angelfire, so we decided
we'd better find a new home.
So here we are, all settled in and comfy.
About this page, you just need to know a few things:
What you'll find here now: Fanfiction, some of it on the extreme side.
2. What you'll find here in the future:
More fanfic, plus the occasional rude comment.
3. What you won't find here: High quantities
of sap. We're allergic.
So don't ask; just read.
(Click on her name for the fic.
Yes, she gets a section of her very own, and Lysistrata's
Send Lysandra feedback, or she'll sic her cats on you.
In the middle.
Scully makes an unusual request.
Lysistrata writes NC-17 with a vengeance. Be afraid.
Send Lysistrata feedback, or she'll sic Lysandra on you.
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