Disclaimer: Nope, these characters aren't mine. Category: VA Classification: Mulder/Scully UST Rating: PG Spoilers: Orison Archive: Gossamer. Spookys. Others ask me. Feedback: Knock yourself out. Summary: Scully experiences a crisis of faith. Thanks to: Sara Lynn for beta duties. "Dark Page" (1/1) by Lisa (haven599@msn.com) Scully's apartment 7:41 p.m. Scully sat in front of her computer staring at the screen. The report had to be completed. Most of it was finished already, only the part pertaining to the actual attack remained incomplete. The hardest part. How was she supposed to type those words? She would have to re-live the attack all over again. It had only been three days. She took off her glasses and yawned, feeling very tired and numb. If only her sleep would be free from nightmares, maybe she would feel better. Maybe this task would be easier. It had been put off long enough. Sitting up straight in the chair, she began to type a few sentences before someone knocked at her door. Mulder. She wasn't too surprised. "Is this a bad time?" he asked. "No. I guess not." She shook her head. "Come in." He sat down on the couch. "How are you doing, Scully? I haven't seen you since . . ." "Better now that I found a place that will repair the mirror above my bureau drawer. I had to call three places before I found someone. The rest of the stuff is easy to replace, but that mirror is one of my favorites." Scully explained. "I just want everything back to the way it was." "Good," he replied before walking over to her computer. "What are you working on?" "My report." She joined him at the computer. "I can't quite find the right words. I needed a little break anyway." "Do you want some help?" "No, I'm fine. It's my report and I need to put the time into getting it right. I should have given it to Skinner already. You've got yours done, right?" she asked. "I'm almost done. It shouldn't be too hard to finish it." Scully wished she really believed that statement. "Scully, I'm sure whatever you write will be fine, considering the circumstances," he said. "No, it needs to be accurate and thorough. I just can't skim over the details." She sat back down at the desk, ready to type. Mulder put a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Of course you can't," he said softly. "You don't have to leave," Scully told him. "I shouldn't be too much longer. You came all the way over here, why don't you get yourself something to eat or watch television." "You sure I won't be distracting you?" Mulder asked, already opening the refrigerator. "No, of course not." Scully began to type. She felt a little more comfortable with Mulder here. Her apartment didn't seem so quiet and dark. It was easier to concentrate. After a half hour of typing, she had finished. The section only turned out to be a page long. She rubbed her eyes, trying not to see the images play out in her mind again. "Scully, you all right?" She walked towards him. "I think I need to rest for a minute." "Let me get you something to drink." Scully plopped down on the couch, curling her legs underneath her. Mulder handed her a Diet Coke and she took a few sips before setting it down on the table. She closed her eyes, leaning back against the cushion. By the time Mulder had cleaned up the kitchen, Scully had fallen asleep. He picked her up carefully and carried her to the bedroom. Mulder was all set to leave, but his eyes kept wandering back to her computer in the corner. He scrolled up until he found the part where she began the narrative about Pfaster's attack. The first couple of paragraphs were difficult enough to read. He turned away from the monitor and almost made it across the room, but he was compelled to finish the rest. Sitting down, Mulder read the next paragraph. 'He threw me against the mirror several times, shattering it to pieces. I fought him off as best as I could, even hitting him with a shard of glass from the mirror. He finally fell to the floor and I pulled over a bookcase on top of his body. I ran for the telephone to call for help, but he grabbed me, forcing me face down on the ground with my hands behind my back, tying them together with pantyhose. My feet were done in the same fashion. I was also gagged and then dragged into my bedroom closet.' Mulder's mind was putting images together for the words he was reading. He read on about how she was able to get her gun and finally shoot Pfaster, the part where he came upon the scene. Scully's scream startled him out of his reading. Rushing into her bedroom, he asked her what was wrong. "It was just a nightmare, I'll be fine in a moment." Scully wiped the tears from her face quickly. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Mulder touched her shoulder gently. A couple of minutes passed before he added: "I'm so sorry." "For what?" she asked. "You didn't do anything." "That's the problem. I should have had someone posted here at your apartment to protect you. Of course Pfaster would want to come back . . ." "Mulder, I'm not blaming you. Besides, do you really think a police officer could have stopped Donnie Pfaster? Nothing was going to stop him from trying to . . ." "I know," he said softly. "But I was the one that killed -" her voice stopped on that one word. "If you didn't kill him, I would have, Scully. For all those women that suffered, but especially because he hurt you." Mulder told her, before continuing: "I read your report. I wanted to know what happened and was afraid to ask you about it." "I'm not sorry I killed him, Mulder. What kind of person does that make me? I'm glad he's dead." she sobbed, turning her body away from him. "I know you're having trouble reconciling your actions with your faith, but perhaps God wanted him dead and used you to carry out the task." Mulder suggested. "What do you mean? Like a missionary of some kind?" Scully asked. "Perhaps. You didn't succeed the first time, but this time you were stronger and He knew it." Mulder replied. "I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. That I had no control, no will of my own and this was predestined to happen." she said. "What your saying is that I was chosen, hand-picked by God to do this." Mulder shifted closer to her, bringing his arms around her. Scully was able to relax into the embrace, resting her head against his chest. "Why wouldn't God choose you?" he whispered into her hair. ++++ END (1/1) Like what you read? Come to Lisa's Haven: http://shannono.simplenet.com/haven/