A knee-jerk response to too many cockroach stories and too much David Hasselhoff adoration during a very strange week on the list. If I'd had more than twenty minutes, I'd have gotten in the vibrators and the Slinky, too ... And a little while later, I got the vibrator/Slinky one done. Blame Jean for this one. ;)
Written for Scullyfic at the Improv. A response to the Scullyfic Halloween challenge. Beware, it's technically a never-to-be-completed WIP ... Okay, so this one is fairly serious, but it's still a response to a Scullyfic challenge, this time to have one XF character write a love letter to another. Another serious one, this time a post-"Requiem" two-hour improv. One boring day on IM, Ambress asked for a story. Note that she did not say a good story ... I was challenged to write a post-ep for "Space." Blame Brandon.
At least now we have canon proof of Scully's incredible flexibility. Shannon and Robbie got bored one night ... (thanks to Lena at The Den of Iniquity for the transcriptions ...)
The Unscrupufic To End All Unscrupufic See, there was this thread on ATXC some years back about plagiarized stories (a.k.a. "unscrupufic"), and unfortunately for the stomachs of other newsgroup regulars, some of us took the challenge to "plagiarize" our own stories ... A stalk for Lena's finally-complete parrotfic. If it ain't subversive, it ain't humor. X-Philes go on the rampage.
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