Despite the fact that I have too much to do and this is the last thing I should be starting, I can't seem to help myself. (grin) I have been unable to locate any archive dedicated to the sparking chemistry between Skinner and Doggett, and so I've been forced to do it myself. There's only one criteria for inclusion here: A Skinner/Doggett Chemical Reaction. Whether it's mild UST or hot smut, if Skinner and Doggett find themselves feeling what many of us out here see between them, then it belongs on this page.** Spoiler and content notes: Assume that all stories here could include episode spoilers through the end of Season Eight. Read at your own risk. Please heed all content warnings and ratings, and remember that everything you see here will include slash content, so if that's not your thing, don't come cryin' to me. Story submissions and suggestions are always welcome. **
This archive is for Skinner/Doggett
pairings only no /other dalliances, threesomes, and so on. UST
between Skinner or Doggett and other characters is acceptable, as is
mention of a relationship in the past (so it's okay if Doggett and Reyes
used to be lovers, for example). Also, relationships between other characters,
such as Mulder and Scully, are just fine. SPECIAL NOTICE: Before I get to the stories, allow me to give a quick plug to the thank you efforts for Mitch Pileggi and Robert Patrick. These groups are raising funds for ads in a special edition of The Hollywood Reporter, thanking the actors for their work on "The X-Files." Interested? Stop by their web sites to lend a hand!
The Stories A
Man's Man by Halrloprillalar Down
a Lazy River by Dasha K. Drunkard
By Choice by Halrloprillalar Gee,
Ma, I Wanna Go Home by Sabine A
River in Egypt by Anna Renick Scenes
in Dark Rooms by Maddie LeClerc Turn
Me On, Dead Man by Halrloprillalar
|| CHEMICAL REACTION Legal notice and disclaimer: "The X-Files" is ® (registered trademark) and © (copyright) Fox and its related entities. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. This web site, its operators and any content on this site relating to "The X-Files" are not authorized by Fox. All stories and graphics listed on or linked from these pages are the property of their creators. Some stories and links may contain material intended for adults only; please heed the ratings or content warnings and do not read if you are underage or offended by adult material. All pages on this site are © (copyright) 2002 by Shannon (webmistress).