Title: Momma VI (1/2) Author: RocketMan >lbontger@wmcstations.com< Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter, 1013, and Fox broadcasting. No infringment is intended and no payment or profit is recieved from this story. Dedication: To Julie who is sick and might have to go to the hospital. Thanks for encouraging me, babe! Momma VI (1/2) I don't feel too good and my throat refuses to open up, so I've been home from school recently. I don't mind that at all. It's just that I can't talk and I talk all the time. Out loud, to my Dad, to friends on the phone, friends that I have met in the street, just about everyone. And Dad is very nervous and he keeps looking at me with this face that says 'I know why this is happening, but I can't make it stop,' yet he won't tell me what he knows or why it's scaring him so much. He paces around angrily, gun tucked in his holster even though I had asked him not to carry it when I was with him. I hate guns: they're revolting and dangerous. My best friend's brother found his mother's service revolver and blew his hand off. But Dad carries it anyway, even though I begged and pleaded and threw a fit. But I can't even tell him to take it off now, with my throat gone, and I can't make him talk to me or even just talk normally. It's very frustrating. Dad keeps the blinds tightly shut and I'm not allowed to go anywhere by myself anymore unless it's down to the grocery store on Fifth or to the Cleaners on Broad. I used to take long walks outside, roaming the streets and meeting all the bag ladies and prostitutes and homeless men that were out there and talk to them. One of my greatest friends is Lisa and she's only twenty-six but looks about forty and talks about forty so that anyone would say she's forty. She lives by the side of an antique shop whose owners bring her lunch every day and help her keep away from the johns constantly scouring Broad. But I worry about Lisa because I haven't been able to see her and I usually give her old chapstick or lotion, especially during the winter. But Dad is afraid and won't let me out. I thought his working on the X-Files would be great, but it's only been hell. I can tell he thinks that someone has given me this strange throat virus that can't be understood or treated so far, and I think he's just plain nuts. Of course, in a good way. After all, he *is* my father. And I've got some of that in me. I am going to the doctor again tomorrow because the shot of antibodies they gave me yesterday hasn't had any effect and Dad is even more worried and he keeps pacing the floor and receiving strange phone calls. I really don't think it's as bad as Dad thinks - I have faith in medicine - but also I think there's something more than just the flu. Dad didn't go in to work today and almost didn't call in to say he was taking the day off, but I motioned to him and he finally got it and called. I wonder if Mom had to take care of him like this. "Jules?" I look away from the window where I was trying to maybe catch a glimpse of Lisa to acknowledge my father: proud, though anxious, man standing before me with the cellular phone clutched in his hand. I nod and raise my hands to him. He takes them and squeezes my cold fingers and sits on my bed. "Jules, I have to go in to work, all right? Something . . . they've found something about your sore throat." I want to say that this goes way beyond a sore throat but my voice stills within me and I can't even clear away the haze. I pat the bed, motioning that I'll be fine here, but he shakes his head. "No, Jules, I want you to come with me," he says, eyeing me with his very dark eyes in a way that says clearly I am not to argue. I sigh and struggle out of bed and put on some clothes: jeans and a white fitted T-shirt with my black jacket pulled over. Dad looks at me funny, as if saying 'why are you getting dressed in front of me?' but I mean, it's my *Dad*: he bathed me and everything. I am really too tired to even care. I let him lead me out to the living room and grab a book that I have to read for English and some paper in case I want to write anything and then let him guide me downstairs. We usually take the elevator. I hate how the X-Files have ruined our nice simple lives. But I love how happy and content Dad would come home after solving a case. He didn't get that fullfilment from his other work. I let him buckle me into the car and I lean across and unlock his door for him. And we're off to the FBI building. I'm even more tired than ever. ~~~ I think that this bald guy is Dad's boss, but I've never seen him before and I can tell he's never seen me, or maybe not even heard of me, and that hurts a lot. He stands and shakes my hand as Dad explains what's going on and why I couldn't say 'hello' back to him. I read the name on the door as we leave: Walter Skinner, AD. Okay, so what's an AD? We walk to a flight of stairs (stairs again!) and keep going down, down, down, until I feel dizzy and light headed, almost as if the stairs were shaking underneath me and pitching me back and forth. I clutch Dad's jacket and he turns and sees my green face and holds onto me tightly, letting me find my center of balance again. We start down once more and after abother flight I see the hallway leading straight to my Dad's office, just as Mom described it in her journals. We walk arm in arm and he unlocks the door and goes ahead of me to make sure everything's all right and then I walk in and- and- and there's Mom. end part one adios RM Momma VI: (2/2) I want to talk I want to speak to her but even if I had my voice I could not for she stands there silent dumb struck as me her hair red and brown tinged with the touch of death I think and I want to run to her but all I really know is that she's a stranger today. "Julia?" I shake my head, and it swings back and forth like the clock chime, but I don't want this now, not now. I turn to Daddy and he holds me and sinks down to me so that I can see his tears and he is saying I'm sorry and wiping them off my face. "You couldn't know..." he whispers, and I hate him for keeping my mother from me for so long that I do not even know her. "Jules?" I turn and it's her right there, her eyes the same as I could imagine in my heart and her hair shining like Daddy always described it and no wonder Daddy came home happy and content and spent long hours in his job. "They gave her back to us, Jules. Just the other week. I didn't want you to be upset and then they did this to you....I was afraid..." I look over hesitantly at my mother and her eyes are hurting, weeping great lamb tears as Uncle Charlie calls them. I bite my lip and she quivers where she stands, her body shaking in fear at my reaction. I want her to come over here but I cannot talk and I have to open myself to her. I walk slowly and she opens her arms, but I do not run into them like on sappy soap operas. I walk to her and look at her carefully and watch her eyes flicker with fire at me and I can see all of what I have read about her, from her own hand, and I see my mother. Momma. I step into her arms and bury my nose into her shoulder: we are the same height, I may be a bit taller. I always wanted to know what a mother smelled like. It is: roses that are dead but still alive somewhere and remind you of the joy of getting the flowers and: the beach when it rains and you can feel the salt in your bones, all the way down to your marrow and: soap that is used only on special occassions or when you're sick and you want to feel clean again and: it is love and fear and clean and blue, like a good thing that you know has to end. "Oh, Julie, baby, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She clutches me tightly and I feel Daddy come in behind us and hold us both. I can hug her now and not be afraid of what will happen because my Dad will always protect me and now, now, so will my Mother. I let my eyes close because I am so very tired and all my emotion is being spent in trying to feel as much as I can while I still have her. I think it's darker in here than when I first came in, but I can't seem to get things straight and it feels so good with Momma's arms around me.... ~~~~ "Jules? Jules, babe, are you all right?" My eyes open and vision swirls up and through and away and I close my eyes again. "I know you're tired, love, but you have to stay awake." I open my eyes again, thinking that I will try just for my mother's sake (my mother!) and I see her face peering down at me. I'm in Daddy's office still, on his couch that he couldn't get rid of even after he stopped seeing patients, and Momma is holding my head and rubbing my forehead. "Are you feeling better now?" I nod and actually it's true, I do feel better. I also feel a sharpness in my arm and I suspect I was given a shot while unconscious. "Can you try and talk for me, babe?" I try to say Momma but all that comes out is a garbled mess and I feel so frustrated that all I feel like crying. Here's my mother, alive, and I can't even speak to her. "It's all right. It's all right. I gave you medicine that should kill off the bacteria and let you talk soon, all right? You're going to be just fine." I nod and wonder if this is why she was given back to us: to cure me and help Daddy.... I hope she's staying. I'd like to have my mother. She stays right by me, caressing my hair and smoothing away the worry frowns on my forehead. "You're so beautiful, Julia. Just like your Daddy, huh? I can tell you're very stubborn. Mulder told me all about you when I came, told me everything you did from that steel trap memory of his word for word. It was like knowing you through the radio and through a slide show. But you're more alive than he said." More alive? What is that? "Thank you for not questioning, baby. Thank you." She kisses my forehead and looks up to Daddy who is standing and looking out the small window. I want to tell her that I read her journals and knew her mind better than I knew my own at times and that I loved her no matter what had happened, but I couldn't talk and I let my eyes say what I so desperately needed to say. She hugged me and continued to lull me back to sleep with her motions. ~~~~ Sometime during the sleep I felt myself drifting toward their voices and I heard them echo across me: Mom: "She'll be fine Mulder. I told you it worked before." Dad: "Yes, but, she's not what you think. I mean, there's somethinf different about her, Scully. She can do things....." "Mulder, don't be -" "No, listen. You don't know!" I hear her harsh breath break away and Dad moving to her. "I'm sorry, Scully. I know you did it for her. I wish you would have let me go instead of you. I didn't know that was the price. But I'm glad, glad they let you come back....." "They-they didn't let me, Mulder. I left. I had to. I finally had a way to get out and I took it. They wanted Julia dead, Mulder. They wanted you back in your despair. I couldn't let her die.....not after everything..." What were they talking about? What was going one? Why was everything so upside down? "But, Scully, are you sure, she-" "Mulder, her fever will break and she'll be fine. Trust me." I don't understand this. Let me away from this dream, let me leave, please, make it go away. Make it right again. ~~~~ My eyes open. Daddy. His smiling brown eyes like charcoal on a cave wall and I laugh and feel my throat working again and surely it was all a dr- "Jules?" I turn and there is my mother. Regal and beautiful and just a bit frantic looking, but wonderfully alive. "No more slide shows, Momma." I whisper and she grins and takes me up into her arms like a baby. And that smell. That mother smell again, only this time it isn't many different things it is one thing: Familiar: Momma. end adios RM