SETTING: Season Six, after the events of Milagro but before The Unnatural SPOILERS: Milagro CATEGORY: MSR, Angst SUMMARY: Into the Woods With Mulder and Scully, or How to Exorcise a Demon on a Full Moon RATING: NC-17. Under 18: beyond this point, there be dragons. Don't go there. Seriously. KUDOS: To Ropo, Lena, Brandon and Shannon O.: the best of the best. Period. ARCHIVE: Sure, but please tell me where so I can make sure my mother never visits. DISCLAIMER: CC, Fox and 1013 own 'em, yadda, yadda, yadda. But I keep 'em satisfied. NOTE: And before someone emails me saying that I spelled Beltane wrong and it should be "Beltaine", all of my books bounce between the two. So we shall accept the spelling as it appears. Right? FEEDBACK: Forwarded to Pebbles from Please make the woman smile! Tickled Fancy by Pebbles Every time I go into the woods with Mulder bad things happen. Sometimes we go willingly into the forest in search of trouble that is already there; often it closes in on us once we enter unfamiliar territory. Small wonder I feel nothing but trepidation when Mulder says he wants to take me to the woods. For a little rest and relaxation. "C'mon, Scully," he urges, nudging my foot with his. It is the middle of the night and we are sipping at our Tension Tamer tea, thoughtfully prepared by the scruffy man playing footsie with me under my kitchen table. He is here because he has adamantly refused to leave me alone for more than ten minutes since the Phillip Padgett ordeal. I haven't pressed the issue because I'm not quite ready for him to go. My couch is beginning to show the permanent imprint of his long, lean body from so many consecutive nights of his lying there, guarding my sleep in silent sentry while I refused him my bed, sick with revulsion at what had nearly happened to me. Several times those first few nights, and again tonight, I experienced vivid flashbacks of Padgett and the way he manipulated me in his sick fantasy. I would struggle to wakefulness in a cold sweat, gasping and clutching the silk pajamas over my heart, protecting myself from the hands of a madman's ghost. Every single time I awoke in this state Mulder was there in an instant, touching my cheek to make sure I knew it was him before silently enfolding me in his arms, where I would quake and quiver against him until the nightmare faded. More often than not he remained in my bed, wrapping himself around me like a cloak and making me feel so safe that I knew the dragons of my dreams would not dare to venture forth with a guardian such as he to protect me. In the week and a half since the incident the memories have been reluctant to release me. They invade the little bit of sleep I am getting, leaving me physically drained and emotionally exhausted. Tonight I was driven from my bed once again, terrified and in full flight mode, relentlessly pursued by the demon of my dreams. Mulder, blissfully channel surfing on my couch, sensed my presence in the doorway and turned toward me. One look at my face told him what was amiss and he came to me immediately, wrapping his arms around me as I threw myself against him, seeking deliverance from evil in the heaven of his embrace. My face pressed against his chest, so warm and solid and infinitely soothing, his arms tight around my back, he had comforted me in just this way for night after night after night. He cradled me against his body and took unto himself all of the little pieces into which I had broken and just held me, allowing me time to put myself back together and draw sustenance from the strength of his love for me. He is good that way, always giving me room to heal myself if it can be done. And when it can't, he is there to help me along. Ever my knight, ever my hero. I used to resent that in him. But after six years of saving and being saved, I have come to appreciate the importance of that aspect of our relationship. We depend on each other to provide whatever it is that the other one lacks. And we are, and always will be, there for each other. No matter what. Wrapped in his arms a little while ago, I eventually calmed to a point where I could draw steady breaths, gentled by the feel of his hands rubbing lightly against my back, softly caressing my shoulders. I felt his lips in my hair at the top of my head and I snuggled closer, luxuriating in the peace that came upon me while being held by him. Gently he eased me around to his side and tucked me into his shoulder, leading me into the kitchen where he settled me into a chair and put the kettle on to boil. It was at this point that he announced his proposition for getting me out of the city, away from unpleasant memories. We are sitting here now fantasizing about what we would do if we had no boundaries and no need to report to work for an entire week. My answer is quick and tidy: sleep. Mulder, being Mulder, wants to do something more adventurous. He wants us to go hiking. On the Appalachian Trail. In the wilderness. "Come on, Scully," he wheedles. "God knows we've got the vacation time coming. Use it or lose it, remember?" The brows go up and the smile comes out full force. "It'll be a nice little trip to the forest." I give him the You Can't be Serious Look, setting my cup on the table with a small thump. "Mulder, the last time I heard that line we were very nearly cocooned." He has the grace to look abashed at the memory, ducking his head to hide his chagrin. But then he looks back up at me, through those lashes, with those eyes, and that damned puppy dog look. And I know that my fate is sealed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, two days later, here we are in the woods. Again. I am not happy. I don't like to hike, period. I certainly don't like to hike carrying anything larger than a sun visor. And I especially don't like to hike with a fully-loaded pack on my back, into a wilderness area, beside the quintessential Indian Guide, who looks as if he could walk from sunup to sunset carrying a sixty pound pack and never break a sweat. Which is probably just what he intends to do, damn him. I have agreed to hike a partial leg of the Appalachian Trail with him. To be quite honest, I blanked out the names just after Mulder announced the distance between Point Whatever-It's-Called and Point Really Far Away, a distance which we are now going to hike, with packs heavily laden. I cannot believe I have agreed to go along with him on this one. How in the *hell* does he talk me into these things? I have no choice but to follow the lure of my partner's fine-toned butt as he hits the trail, lithe and lean in jeans and hiking boots, moving effortlessly and surely, as if he owns the forest. I have a sudden sweet vision of the boy he might once have been, polished and proud in his Indian Guide uniform, long-legged and wiry and bursting with the need to know everything there is to know. Before his sister's abduction, and the self-destruction of his family. My heart aches anew for the man, and for the boy, upon whom life dealt such a blow so early on. He turns to look at me over his shoulder and the light in his eyes and the smile on his face are enough to lift my mood, no matter the distance I am being asked to hike. I am with him, he is with me, and, more important, we are *together*. And we are solving no mysteries on this trip, only searching for our own little bit of peace and quiet in an often turbulent world. Mulder has promised me a little R&R. Somehow I can't help thinking that his idea of Rest & Relaxation and mine are likely to be polar opposites. As we head into the woods on this beautiful late April morning, I have to admit that despite my dread of the hike to come, the scenery out here is spectacular. The air is filled with the joyous chirping of myriad birds. The land is painted with scarlet splashes of wild azaleas and delicate mountain laurel, with brilliant fuchsia rhododendron and bright orange tiger lilies, cascading plumes of purple and white wisteria seeming to drip from every branch of every tree. As we hike in comfortable silence I am lulled into a peaceful state by the quiet beauty of the forest, and the majesty of nature in her springtime glory. We reach the top of a small ridge and pause to admire the endless vista of mountains spread before us in a vast panorama. I see wave upon wave of gentle slopes and craggy peaks, bursting with new life in every shade of green in the spectrum. Patches of clouds linger in the valleys in stark contrast to the deep and brilliant blue of the skies above the showcase. I catch my breath at the grandeur of the scene, and stand frozen in wonder at the perfection of God's handiwork. And as I feast my eyes on this masterpiece, that small part of me that has been cowering inside reawakens with the memory of something positive and good, something I have been chastising myself for wanting, but which I have proven myself hopelessly inept at repelling. I look up at Mulder to find him watching me, that little half-smile on his face, his eyes just turning up at the corners. I can feel myself blush. "What?" I ask, stifling a nervous, and very uncharacteristic, giggle. "Your eyes," he says, a smile in his voice. "Do you know that the sky today is the exact same shade of blue as your eyes?" From anyone else the words would have been a cheesy pick-up line, but somehow Mulder's eyes convey his loopy sincerity and utter believability. I have no response to this. I simply duck my head with a shyness I haven't felt around him -- or any man -- in a long while now. I feel his fingers beneath my chin and I do not resist when he tips my face up to his. I meet his eyes willingly, swallowing whole the look in the mossy green ones staring back at me. *I'm here*, they are saying. *I know*, I am trying to say with mine. He leans in as if to kiss my mouth but hesitates halfway there, opting to brush his lips lightly against my forehead instead. I am saddened at that hesitation, there because of my own. He has been so wonderful to me these last few weeks, giving of himself as never before. And I have taken every bit of support he has offered, greedily feeding on it in the wee hours of the morning, when my dreams have brought him to my side, then pushing him away in the cold light of day, embarrassed and unsure of myself. Now he has brought me to this beautiful place, and is even attempting a Sweet Nothing, and all I can do is silently repel him with my skittishness. I don't know why I do this, but I hate it. And I don't want to push him away anymore. I reach my hand to his face and cup his cheek, stroking his lower lip gently with my thumb. "Thank you, Mulder," I say softly, and smile at his quizzical expression. "What for, G-woman?" My smile widens. He hasn't called me that in ages. "For holding me when I fall apart; and for keeping it to yourself. For giving me the room to put myself back together again, but not being far enough away so that I have to wait for you to reach me. For being so patient with me. For not pushing." He turns his head until his lips connect with my hand and slowly nuzzles his way into my palm. His mouth is warm and moist and soft and sensual and sends a barrage of tiny shocks through my hand, up my arm and down, directly into my nether regions. I remember the mouth, too. Quite well, actually. Not to mention all the lovely things he can do with it. "Thanks for coming to the woods with me, Scully," he whispers against my skin. I rise on tiptoes to give him a quick peck on the cheek, lingering a moment longer than necessary so that I may relish the heady scent of Eau de Mulder on a Warm Day. "You're welcome," I say politely. "I think." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We make camp on top of a ridge that overlooks a valley to our east, in a clearing surrounded by hemlock pines and mountain ash. The grove of trees where we have decided to stay the night is dense and cozy yet provides enough open space for a grand fire, which Mulder immediately kindles the moment the tent is pitched. Although the weather was quite comfortable all through the hike up the ridge, with the setting sun goes the warmth of the day and I have a sinking feeling that the night will be chilly. Which means both of us. In the tent. In sleeping bags. Together. I don't know why I am backing away from the thought of our being physically intimate again. We had only just entered this new phase of our relationship a few weeks before I became the object of Phillip Padgett's twisted fantasy. I soon found that the awkwardness of Padgett's obsession with me, coupled with my horror at what had ultimately resulted, had thoroughly driven all carnal thoughts from my mind. It's a shame, really. Here lately, whenever I would find myself looking at my partner, as I am doing now, I would unfailingly think "What a waste!" I remember all too well the feeling of his hands on my body, the sensual play of his tongue on my hot spots, the very essence of him as he buried himself deep inside me, only to pull back and drive home again and again and again. When I think of it now, even after all these weeks, I can still actually *feel* the thrill of his entry, the first time, back in his apartment, on the couch where I will never again be able to sit without remembering the activities of the night. Well, maybe carnal thoughts have not been driven quite so thoroughly from my mind as I had thought. I watch Mulder now with salacious intent, eyeing his long, lean, runner's legs in his faded jeans, the sleeves of his equally faded denim shirt rolled up to reveal the muscular forearms that have always been my private pleasure to observe in action. Like now, as he arranges logs in the fire pit, I enjoy watching the muscles beneath the skin bunch and relax with the movement of his arms. The hair on them is rich and golden and unbelievably soft. Oh, yes, I remember that, too. How soft his hair is, everywhere, dusting over his body lightly and lovingly, thicker in some spots than others, coarser here than there. The evening breeze ruffles the soft brown hair on his head as he bends to his task and in the setting sun his skin is burnished to near bronze. Good God, he is beautiful. It almost hurts to look at him, he is so beautiful. And he is mine. If I will let him be. He looks up suddenly and finds me studying him, winks in that endearingly teasing manner he adopted with me the first year we worked together. "So what's the word, Scully?" he asks casually, cocking his head as he looks up at the sky. "Think it'll rain sleeping bags tonight?" I can't hide my smile at his audacity. He knows exactly what he is doing to me, posing like that, all Manly Man And You Like It, Too. "It might," I murmur and am rewarded with his full-of-himself grin. I'm not altogether sure if I'm ready for anything more than the luxury of getting my hands on him, but get my hands on him I must. I want to touch him and stroke his hair and his face and all his other parts, in the way I have learned will make him moan my name in that sexy baritone that still sends chills up my spine. He meets my eyes knowingly and I have the sudden, vivid visual image of the two of us, making love outdoors, here, on the ground, before the fire, with the moon and stars above us - and no demons anywhere in sight. Suddenly I feel much, much better about this trip to the woods. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey, Scully, do you know what day it is?" Mulder's voice reaches me from across the stream. He spotted a mother lode of deadwood on the other side a few minutes ago and crossed to retrieve it while I rinse the aluminum camp plates on which we ate our dinner. Nothing like freeze-dried stroganoff in the deep woods, helped along by a piece of whole wheat pita bread and several healthy swigs of water from the flask at my hip. I certainly won't be gaining any weight on this trip. "No, Mulder," I answer automatically, not really concentrating on his question because I am looking all around me in the encroaching darkness, certain my eyes will light upon something staring back at me before I finish my task. "What day is it?" "April 30th," he answers readily. "May Eve." I dip the plates in the cool water, my fingers finding a handful of sand in the stream bed and scrubbing each plate in turn. "And?" When he doesn't answer right away I look up to find him making his way back toward me, burdened with an armful of kindling. He stone hops across the stream and waits as I rinse the plates a final time. I stand up and sling the excess water from them. My task finished, I look back up only to find a mocking Mulder watching me, an evil glint in his eye. "What?" I say with a twinge of exasperation. "You don't know what that date means?" he asks as we begin the short walk back to our camp. "Should I, Mulder?" I hurry past him to the massive oak that skirts the camp where we have fixed a backpack with ropes slung over one of the lower branches. Quickly storing the plates in the pouch and locking all the zippers, I pull on the rope and the pack ascends into the wild dark yonder. I secure the rope around the base of the tree and return to Mulder, who has stoked the fire to his satisfaction and is now kneeling to spread one of the sleeping bags on the ground. "Scully," he scoffs, "anybody with as much obviously Celtic blood as you have should know the ancient legends, how her ancestors celebrated the changing of the season, and the reawakening of the land." I suppress a smile at what I know and he does not. Cocky bastard, I think. I'll show you. I approach him by the fireside. He pats the sleeping bag invitingly. "C'mon, Scully," he coaxes, on his knees at one end of the sleeping bag. "Come on over here and let me tell you a story." I feel my brow go up. "Story, Mulder?" I say. "What about?" "About the origin of the Maypole and Beltane rites and the renewal of the land through an appreciation by its people." Again he pats the space beside him. I make a big show of appearing to consider his offer, although secretly thinking how nice it would be to take him up on it. I want very much to sit before the fire with him, watching it die down to glowing embers while we talk of things dark and mysterious and perhaps a little revealing. After a respectable interval, I move to the fireside and lower myself to the sleeping bag opposite his spot, demurely folding my legs and tucking them to the side. "Beltane?" I ask innocently, as if I'd never heard the word before. "Beltane," he nods and I see that spark in his eyes that says that Professor Mulder is going to launch into a lesson. "Also known as May Eve." He knee-walks over to my side of the sleeping bag and slips in behind me, resting his long legs on either side of mine. His arms encircle me and pull me into the shelter of his solid strength and I willingly surrender to the lure of intimate contact with his body. I settle back against him with a sigh, hug his arms a little tighter across my middle, and allow myself the luxury of leaning into the comfortable pillow of his chest, supremely content. "Did you ever learn anything about Beltane, Scully?" "I grew up in Catholic school, Mulder," I remind him. "The nuns weren't too keen on teaching the young ladies all about the history of ancient pagan fire festivals which encourage sexual romps in the forest and fornication in the fields to ensure a bountiful harvest." I feel a suspicious twitch behind me, in the vicinity of my tailbone, see him jerk in surprise at my words, and from the corner of my eye I can see him peering around at me. Good; I've managed to shock him. "Sexual romps, huh?" he asks in his dangerous voice, the one that drips with intent to test me and give me a run for my money. I don't need to see his face to know that he is pleased at what I have revealed. "Well, then, tell me, Dr. Scully," he continues, "just exactly what is the purpose of this yearly celebration?" I suppress a smile, knowing I have him but wanting to drag it out as long as possible. "Well, Mulder," I begin. "Beltane - or May Eve, as you called it - is a complex folk festival, associated with both life and death and the changing of the seasons. Traditionally a celebration marking the start of the light half of the year, it was a time of profound significance for the people who worked the land. The return of the light meant a return of fertility for their mother the Earth, and they celebrated accordingly." "Do tell," he urges in my ear. "I'm all a-tingle." I stifle a grin. Ass. Taking a deep breath, I continue my oral dissertation. "In ancient times the people of the community would rise at midnight on May Eve and gather boughs and flowers with which to decorate their homes. They would observe the sunrise from a hilltop and later visit apple orchards, where they would bury cider and cakes to insure a fruitful harvest. People would hold hands and walk the fields, tossing cakes into the air as they went and later burying the remains to enhance the proceedings." Mulder is resting his chin on my right shoulder, apparently listening intently as I go on. "Caudles - a kind of beverage consisting of warm ale or wine mixed with sugar, oatmeal, butter, eggs and milk - were prepared over fires kindled in holes in the earth, and partaken by everyone. Celebratory bonfires were built. The men of the community would leap through the flames, followed by the women, and finally the herd animals were driven through the smoking embers as an act of purification and protection." I feel a distinct pressure against my back where I am lounging against him and I suppress another grin. I always suspected Mulder got a hard- on when I talked science, and especially when I surprised him and gave him a dose of his own medicine. It's nice to see that I was right about yet another facet of his personality. "Impressive," Mulder murmurs, his left cheek rubbing against my right. "You know quite a bit about what the folk did on May Day, Scully. Except that you left out the part about the Maypole." "I haven't gotten to that yet, Mulder," I tell him. "Give me time." I wonder how much I am going to taunt him with the description of something so innocent in its very basic humanity yet graphically sexual at the same time. "The Maypole," I finally begin, "was traditionally made of birch, the tree known as the Lady of the Woods. Birch is the symbol of the Earth Mother, representing the feminine powers of growth, healing and the natural world. Her chief strength is the ability to cultivate unconditional love for all beings." "That's real nice, Scully," his voice rumbles from beside my ear and his breath is warm against my skin. "But what does it *mean*? You still haven't told me what exactly is the significance of the Maypole itself. Do you even know?" he taunts. "Patience, Mulder," I admonish. "I'm not finished yet." He lapses into silence and I continue. "The pole itself represented the movement of energy between Earth and sky, movement that resulted in the renewal of growth in the spring. Herbs and tree branches were brought into the home as a way of concentrating healing and fertile energies." I pause, savoring the moment, and his anticipated reaction. The maypole behind me has been growing rapidly and I can feel the heat of his arousal through the fabric of two pair of jeans. I am feeling feral, earthy and elemental, as elemental as the earth upon which we sit, as the air around us and the little stream which sings in the distance, as elemental as the fire which now heats the space we inhabit and compels me to boldness. "Maypoles were erected," I say slowly, deliberately, "and danced around to energize the soil...the symbolic male phallic pole being buried snugly in the female Earth." I hear Mulder's quick intake of breath, feel the more insistent prodding of his own phallic pole, and I grin with erotic intent. "After all the feasting and dancing was over, young couples disappeared into the hills, forests and newly plowed fields to further energize the land with their activities." Mulder is silent for a moment before clearing his throat and thus managing to croak a question. "What activities would those be, Scully?" "Well, Mulder," I tell him smugly. "*You're* the expert on pagan rituals. *You* figure it out." We are silent for a few moments, lost in our thoughts, imaginings and individual fancies. We sit quietly by the fire, and the air around us fairly snaps with sexual tension, unrelieved these past two weeks. The fire crackles, the creek babbles and somewhere off in the distance a whippoorwill sounds a lonely cry. Finally, Mulder speaks again and when he does his words go straight to my heart, speaking to something so deeply buried I had not realized that it was there. "Beltane marks something else, you know. The return of vitality, of passion and hopes consummated." He pauses meaningfully before answering the brow I have raised in silent question. "Beltane is our time, Scully," he explains, kissing my cheek softly, just below my right ear. *This* is our time." I can feel the beating of his heart in a steady thump against my back and suddenly the hands that have rested quite contentedly on his feel the need to roam. They begin a leisurely slide upward, caressing the forearms that I had so admired earlier in the day. The hair on them is soft and furred and I want to rub my face against it, like a cat onto the scent of her mate. "You know, Mulder," I say in a husky voice. "Beltane also marks the coming together of the Horned God and the Lady of the Greenwood." He laughs deep in his throat, a laugh that is cut off as I scoot my bottom a little more tightly against his crotch, where I can feel the heat coming off his now fully erect pole in waves of sensuality. "Well, I don't know about the god part," he murmurs, burying his lips in the sensitive skin at the juncture of my neck and shoulder. I reward him with a gasp of my own and I feel his smile against my skin. "But I might be up to fulfilling the requirements of a horned beast." I turn in his arms and look up at him, my heart in my eyes, my soul bared and my body anxious to be bared as well. And then he goes and rips me to pieces with his next words. "But what about you, Scully?" he asks, his eyes piercing, his voice a mere whisper. "Are you my Goddess?" "I'm whatever you want me to be, Mulder," I tell him, touching his face gently with one hand, the back of his neck with the other. I want to be closer to him, though we are now pressed mere centimeters apart. It is too much, and I can't bear the distance another moment. I pull him down to me and put my mouth to his, softly at first, then more daringly, pushing his lips apart with my tongue, demanding and receiving entrance. I feel an immediate surge of arousal, the insistent earlier vision of our coupling out here by the fire coming back to remind me of what I shared with this man just a few short weeks ago. His arms are tight around me, as if he is pulling me into his body, and at this moment I want him to do just that. Or, more precisely, I want to pull him into *mine*. I moan with the sudden flashback of his taking me to unbelievable heights and the sound appears to snap the control he has maintained all evening. Emitting a low growl, his body urges mine to lie back on the sleeping bag while his mouth lays siege to my lips. His kiss is fierce and possessive and for once I don't mind being possessed, and kiss him back, abandoning my own control just as he has abandoned his. His hands are suddenly everywhere, caressing the back of my head, smoothing over my hips, cupping underneath my buttocks and squeezing as if he were testing a melon for ripeness. I pull my mouth away from his for a moment, gasping. "So, Mulder, am I ripe?" In answer his hand travels from my hip up my side, sliding sensuously along my torso until it reaches my breasts. "Dunno, Scully," he tells me, his hand stroking, his erection throbbing against my belly. "I haven't been to the market in a while. And sometimes the signs are pretty confusing. I may have forgotten how to tell." He cups my breast then, kneading the flesh, his thumb darting in to trace my nipple in concentric circles, zeroing in on the peak and tweaking it through the thin cotton of my campshirt. The feel of his hands through my clothes is achingly erotic. I am beginning to quiver with my need for more of him. "I have great faith in you, Mulder," I assure him. "I'm sure it'll come back to you." My head lolls back on the sleeping bag and my eyes drift shut as I feel his long fingers against the skin of my belly, where he has breached the hem of my shirt and is beginning his trek northward. My breath hitches in my throat as his hand encounters my bra then deftly dips behind my back to unsnap the hooks and return to my front without missing a beat. I feel him push the fabric up and I lift my arms and allow him to pull shirt and bra off together, tossing them to the side, away from the fire. I open my eyes to see him sitting back on his heels, gazing at me as I lie there, bare-chested and open to him, his eyes drinking me in as if he had never seen me like this before. Perhaps he hasn't. Not in this way. Not the way he is looking at me tonight. He lifts his hands and brings them toward my breasts, moving with infinite slowness, and I cease breathing until they finally reach their destination. He cups my breasts in his hands and lowers his head to bury it between them, his mouth warm and wet against my skin. All the while his thumbs are doing their circular dance, arousing me as never before. Oh, my God, *this* is what I nearly pushed away. The wonder of his hands on my body, his mouth covering my nipples one after the other, his tongue darting out and around and over and above and beyond the realms of my imagination. I am heated to an unbearable degree, from without by the fire now roaring and seeming to build even as our passion mounts, from within by the ferocity of my desire for my partner. I want to touch him, to feel his skin beneath my fingers but he is still fully clothed and I cannot bear to break the action on my nipples, now throbbing with the need to be suckled, a need which he fulfills to the nth degree. I can't believe the things this man can do with his mouth. He is making me whimper with need, and Scullys don't whimper. Except, perhaps, when they're whimpering with need. "Mu-Mulder," I finally breathe into the night air. "Mulder, lose the shirt. I want to touch you." Without taking his mouth from its ministrations he reaches beneath him and tears at his shirt, popping the buttons all over the place, jerking it off his shoulders and down his arms. He tosses it behind him with a flick of his arm before returning his hands to my body to continue their conquest. Now that I can get my hands on him, I do, kneading his shoulders, stroking the hard muscles beneath the smooth skin, reveling in the power I feel in the man who is about to join with me here in the forest, beneath the full moon now rising over the treetops. And then I remember the significance of this night in Beltane lore, how it was said that this night the sexual forces of the world are at their peak. They would certainly get no argument from me there. Mulder moves from my breasts to work his way down my body, unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them down, taking my panties along for the ride. He pushes them down to my ankles and I try to kick them off, only to be hampered by the heavy hiking boots that still encase my feet. I want to squeal with frusatration, but only a moment, for he immediately unties and removes my boots, casually tossing them aside, and repeating the action with my socks. Finally, after an interval that seems eternal, he peels off my jeans and panties, dropping them to the ground behind him as I lie back on the sleeping bag, proudly baring myself to him, and to whatever future the fates hold for us. "Yours, too," I command in a ragged whisper and he complies in a heartbeat, shucking his boots, socks and pants in record time, until he kneels naked before me. He is on his knees, his erection standing out proudly from his body, rigid and regal and full of power for me, only for me. His eyes glisten, sweat beads on his forehead and his breathing is labored as he leans over me, tracing my body with his hands. "God, Scully," he whispers. "You are so beautiful. So very beautiful." I look up into his eyes, and I can almost see myself reflected in them, lying there in the moonlight, with the fire painting patterns on my skin and my eyes as dark with desire for him as his are for me. He bends to kiss my mouth lightly, softly, reverently. "*You* are my goddess, Scully." His lips move to the hollow of my throat. "You are Dana, Moon Goddess, Patroness of rivers and water and magic and wisdom." His mouth has now made its way to my chest, kissing my skin, just above my heart. "Let me worship you." I can't believe the things he is saying to me tonight. This isn't Mulder. He never gets all sappy on me. But somehow it doesn't feel sappy tonight. I can't deny myself the pleasure I am receiving from the delicious attention he is paying me, certainly not as his mouth travels down the length of my torso, stopping at my navel to swirl his tongue in and around it. Certainly not after his mouth touches me where I feel myself on fire, making me cry out with the sheer ecstasy of the sensation of his heat on mine. And most assuredly not when he opens me with those nimble fingers and goes to work on me in earnest. This feels so good it *must* be a sin, I think for a split second, before the elemental Dana takes over and reminds me that this is the very essence of divine blessing. I surrender to the sweet sensations wrought by his tongue, by the feel of that lower lip I love so much as it joins with its mate and slides over my clitoris, suckling me to the point where I am sobbing in my need for release. I feel him moan against my screaming flesh and the vibration is enough to put me over the edge. I fling my arms out beside me, my fingers clawing at the ground, eyes widening in wonder as my orgasm builds and builds and builds to a point where I think I will surely die from the sheer bliss of it all. I look up into the star-spangled sky and scream as rockets explode in my body, making my hips jerk off the sleeping bag but not once jarring Mulder's mouth from my core. He holds my bottom with both hands and steadies me, continuing to feast upon me with the insatiable appetite of a starving man. Even as the echos resound in my body from the first orgasm, I am slammed with another, more powerful one and this time I moan his name over and over as I come, lost in a netherworld of orgasmic bliss. Now I can feel him moving up my body and I open my eyes to see him hovering above me, his skin glistening in the firelight, his chest heaving, his mouth wet with me. "Come here," I command, my arms drawing him to me. "I need you in me, Mulder. I need you now." He complies in an instant, positioning himself over me and entering in one smooth motion. He doesn't stop until he is nudging against my pubic bone, and I moan at the sheer power of his body as it merges with mine. My muscles tighten around him and I bring my legs up around his hips as he begins to rock me, slowly at first, back and forth, back and forth. I cannot believe the sensations he is arousing. My flesh is resounding in waves of pleasure with every stroke, and I find that I can't suppress the little moans that are now coming from my throat continuously. He reaches down and positions his arms to the back of my knees, raising my legs higher and farther apart, deepening his penetration . I hang onto his shoulders, feeling the play of muscles as he moves his body, tightening my grip with every stroke into me, loosening it with every retreat. He speaks as he pumps steadily into me, words I can barely register through the haze of rampant pleasure, but when I do realize it I listen closer and what I hear is my undoing. "Love you, love you, love you, Scully, love you, love you, Scully, love you, Scully, love you, love you, love you..." I feel every muscle in my body draw up into a tight little ball and explode with the force of a thousand suns. I am clutching and clawing and crying and sobbing his name over and over and this time I am sure I am going to die. " you, love you, Scully, love you, Scully, love you, love you, love you, Scully, Scully, Sculleeee!" His body spasms, spending itself deep within me, as we have spent ourselves in each other for years. I tighten my inner muscles and hold him right where he is, right where I want him to be. Right where he belongs. We ride the waves together, surfing joyously until we are set back on the beach of reality, back in our little camp, beneath the moon and the stars. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The fire is roaring, lighting the heated air around us, adding to the afterglow of our pagan romp. Mulder's chest is plastered to my breasts, his arms still hooked behind my knees, and the sudden realization of the image we must present is shocking to my good girl upbringing. But the primal Dana, the ancient goddess within all women, *that* woman revels in the very essence of the moment. Out here, beneath the stars, the trickling stream providing a lover's serenade, the blazing fire heating and illuminating our coupling, the breeze gently stirring his hair as he hovers above me, the fertile earth at my back, my body both nestling and being nestled by all of the elements at once - out here I feel very much like my Celtic namesake, *Dana*, the moon goddess. Mulder's goddess. Never in my life have I felt so worshipped. His eyes look down at me with such love that I feel my own brim with tears. The significance of the moment fills me as completely as he does, and I tighten my inner muscles against him in reaction to the pleasurable pain I am feeling at the intensity of my emotions. I hear a gasp. I think it is mine. But it might also have been his. "God, Scul-ly," he whispers, his voice breaking on my name. He closes his eyes, swallows and gives his head a small shake before looking at me again. Tears glisten and a bead of sweat falls from his forehead to land on mine and join with the moisture that escapes his eyes. They mingle and meander down to my hairline and seep into my wet and tousled hair. I take one arm from the shoulder I was hanging onto for dear life a few short moments ago and reach to gently cup his cheek in my palm. I meet his eyes unflinchingly, letting the whole of my heart into the look that both accepts and offers. *Here I am*, I say with my body, mind, heart, soul. *Take me, accept me, as I take and accept you.* Out here I can allow myself to feel these wayward emotions. Out here I can give myself to him wholeheartedly and completely, without worrying about the repercussions of tomorrow. He gently removes his arms from around my knees, and I lower my legs to wrap snugly around his waist, crossing my ankles at the small of his back, unwilling to let him leave my body just yet. He eases his arms beneath me, one around my shoulder, the other around my waist, keeping me pressed tightly against him. Oh, God, I want to stay like this forever. Life cannot possibly get any better than this moment. This here and now. "Kill me now," he breathes as he plants tiny, soft kisses against my chin, his lips working their way up the line of my jaw to my ear. "This is as good as it gets," he murmurs. "You and me, out here, like this." He sighs contentedly. "This is the meat." "No, Mulder," I contest, nipping at his lower lip as he makes another pass. "*You* are the meat." Our bodies shake together in silent laughter and I marvel that we have come to this, so to speak. The fact that I can lie here with my partner, naked beneath a moonlit sky, entwined like the roots of the massive trees that tower above us, and can laugh with such deep-seated joy is a blessing I never thought to share in this life. We laugh so hard that he inadvertently slips out of me and my body immediately craves his return. He deftly turns us and pulls me against him, bringing one arm out to lie against the ground and provide a pillow for my head. We lie there, spooned and spent by the fire. I feel like purring and maybe I am. Blissful and blurry, sated beyond belief, I allow myself the luxury of going to sleep in Mulder's arms. I drift into a dreamworld of love and lust and satyrs and nymphs, gnomes and fairies and toads and rabbits. I dream of a huge maypole planted snugly in Mother Earth and a couple writhing in passion on the heated ground beside a blazing fire. Somewhere in the deep of the night, or the wee hours of the morning, I drift to the surface of wakefulness to the feeling of soft caresses on my nether parts. No wonder I was dreaming of phallic symbols and mating rituals, I think briefly before his touch banishes all thought. "Hey, Scully?" he breathes against the back of my neck, his fingers again working their magic on me. "Yeah?" I sigh, arousal already taking hold. "You liked it." He did not question; how could he, with the evidence so obviously and literally at hand? "A little while ago," he elaborates, "under the moonlight, with the wind and the fire, on the ground with the water flowing past. You liked it when I took you out here, among the elements." "Yeah, Mulder," I answer dreamily. "You tickled my fancy, all right." I feel his answering grin against my skin. It's probably the cocky one, I think. The one he wears so well. "Tickled your fancy, huh?" He seems enormously pleased with himself. And, after that performance, he should be. We are quiet for a moment, the stroker and the strokee, savoring the sensations of touching and being touched. I feel his kisses against my hair, my ear, the side of my neck, my shoulder where it peeps out from underneath the shelter of his arm. "Hey, Scully?" he whispers in my ear. "You know what day it is?" I sigh with a touch of exasperation. "Mulder, didn't we just go through this a few hours ago?" Not that I would mind a repeat performance, but variety *is* the spice of life. "Yesterday, Scully," he points out. "It's well past midnight, you know." "May Day?" I look over my shoulder at him, crooking a brow. He gives me the Mega-Watt-Mulder-Shit-Eating-Grin and waggles his own brows. "Hail, hail, the first of May," he begins. "Outdoor fucking begins today," I finish for him. "Scully!" he cries, pretending to be scandalized. I rarely use the "f" word and, for this reason, it has great impact when I do. We dissolve into a fit of giggles, our bodies rocking in unison, fitting together in all the right places. I am so happy here. And for the first time ever, I feel that we are perfectly in sync. I wish I could bottle this moment and make it last forever. God knows there may be days ahead when we could well use it. "Hey, Scully," he whispers against my ear again, his hand stroking again. I turn in his arms until my face is an inch from his. I look up into his eyes and see the primal Mulder lurking, waiting for permission to come out and play. "Yeah, Mulder?" "Want me to tickle it again?" Without warning, I shove him onto his back and climb aboard, straddling his hips and laughing at his surprised expression. I cock one eyebrow at him from my perch on high and put on my best Mae West impersonation: "How about I tickle *yours* instead?" "Scully!" he says in that I-Just-Got-Very-Turned-On tone, his eyes wide, his face glowing with the light of his smile and, I think, reflecting the happiness he sees in mine. I lean over his chest, reaching with my mouth to take his lower lip in mine, suckling gently. He is ready for me again, I can feel his insistent knocking at my back door. But this time the lady will have her wicked way with the horned beast. "It's a full moon, Mulder" I remind him, grinning lasciviously. "And *this* time, I'm going to make *you* howl." - END - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~