Chapter Twenty-three On the opposite side of the forest, Darkness made ready for the clash, anticipating victory, savoring the heady proximity of the Jedi feast. Although their location had long been known, the trio would be allowed time to accept their Destiny before the Dark Twins made their introductory visit. For now, Darkness would reign over another of its subjects, a tribal element of the forest moon, worshipers of the Dark Side. Sufficiently evil, and malleable enough to suit the Twins' dark purposes, the hairy and bug-infested Duloks were the sworn enemy of the foolish furry creatures who were the other dominant natives of the habitat. This enmity could and would be a worthy catalyst toward inciting the confrontation among the Jedi. Soon enough forbearance would be rewarded and the Twins would know the pleasure of a female of their own kind: passionate, ambitious, Force- sensitive; a woman capable of breeding more Darkness, for procreation of Evil was the order of the day, insurance for the ultimate return of a Dark dominance. What difference would a few hours make but to further whet the appetite for the coming Jedi banquet? *************** "I'm going to observe the closing festivities of the Ewok ceremony tonight," Luke told Han and Leia over breakfast the next morning. At his twin's look of surprise he explained. "Something is calling me there, Leia," he told her. "Something that won't be denied. I must go." She watched him for a moment, her shrewd dark eyes assessing his intentions, her Sense reading him clearly. "Then we're coming with you," she quietly declared. As Luke began to protest, she fixed him with a look he knew well, one that defied argument. "I don't think it would be wise for any one of us to go off alone now that the Dark Twins have arrived. We may think we know their intentions, but we can't be sure of their timing." Luke found he couldn't argue against her logic and nodded agreement. He returned his attention to his plate, picking idly at the fruit that remained. For a long moment the three of them sat in uneasy silence, absorbed in their own thoughts, knowing what awaited them and dreading it, no matter the outcome. Though confident of victory, they were not looking forward to the conflict. Adding to the tension was the fact that they actually knew very little about their predators, always a tricky thing to deal with when going into battle. The trio knew only that the clash would be one of Force- driven energies, Light versus Dark, Good against Evil, Life or Death. Han finally broke the silence. "Look," he began, rather loudly so that they both started at the sound of his voice, "what do we know about these guys - other than the fact that they're the offspring of the Emperor and that poor woman?" Luke shrugged his shoulders and picked up his cup of paricha, steaming in the chill of the morning air, pondered as he took a sip. "That's about it," he finally conceded. "And I'm not sure if there is any way to find out more about them." He looked up at his sister, then over at Han. "I'm afraid we're going to have to wing it - like we did in the old days..." He was silent a moment, remembering. " we've had to do so many times before." Han and Leia absorbed his words in silence, Leia making an elaborate show of pushing her breakfast about her plate. Han finally looked up at Luke, a familiar arrogance written in his face. "Then we'll wing it." He shrugged elaborately, his Sense oozing confidence. "We always were pretty good at making the most out of what we've got." The Skywalker twins had to agree; there had been too many occasions when, by all rights, they should not have been able to overcome the adversity of the moment; yet by luck or wisdom - or the Force - they had always found a way through to victory. Just as they would find their way in the task at hand. Leia looked solemnly at her men, silently extending a hand to each of them. Squeezing her fingers in theirs, Han and Luke joined their Senses to hers and formed a three-fold nexus. //We are Jedi. We are peace. And we will prevail.// **************** After an interminably long day spent in uneasy anticipation, the trio finally set out just as the Endorian sun slipped behind the treetops. In silence, they mingled with the procession of Ewoks they met upon the forest trail, making their way toward an unimaginable Destiny. Han and Leia walked side by side, their hands and Senses entwined, feeding each other the strength that rose from the tower of their love. Luke followed at a discreet distance, his Sense ever alert, his Jedi abilities primed and ready for any challenge that might materialize. Several times during the short hike to the Tree he had to enlist the aid of Jedi calming techniques to still his eager heart. Tonight he would see her again, that intoxicating creature with the startling blue eyes. Somehow Luke felt certain that her Presence was of tremendous significance to the events that would transpire this night. With an effort, he pulled his thoughts from musings of the beautiful girl, and concentrated instead on the upcoming closing ceremonies of the Festival of Light, wondering what the night held in store for them all. Han pulled farther ahead of Luke, gripping Leia's hand tightly, leaving his right hand free to draw his blaster at the first inkling of danger. His eyes searched the ranks of Ewoks before him, and finally lit upon the familiar bulk of Chewbacca, far ahead of them, at the very head of the procession. The Ewoks had enthusiastically adopted the Wookiee into their tribe and had bestowed upon him the honor of carrying the Sacred Lantern of Light, to be placed before the Tree as the final offering of the Festival. With his faithful partner and co-pilot close at hand, Han's confidence was further fueled, and the prospect of marching into the unknown was not one he found so very frightening. Boldness had always come naturally to him. Chewbacca had sworn a life debt to Han many years ago and considered Han's wife, their children, and Luke his Honor Family. They would come to no harm while Chewbacca drew breath. Han's faith in their ultimate victory was stoked by the Wookiee's very presence; Chewie had always been Han's ace in the hole. He glanced down at Leia as she walked beside him, and his heart swelled with pride in her. She had chosen to dress this evening much as she had done so many years ago, just before the Battle of Endor. His thoughts flashed back to the eve of the Battle, when she had moved about the Ewok village in soft-hide skirts, her hair loose and flowing, captivating him as never before. He remembered with a sharp pang the way she had made him feel that evening, as she struggled with the devastating truth of her newly revealed parentage. What had begun as a reckless argument born of jealousy of Luke had evolved into a scene of such exquisite tenderness that Han's heart was effectively sealed to Leia Organa for the rest of his life. She had allowed him to hold her, to comfort her in her distress, and by evening's end he had gladly given his soul to her, unquestioningly and irrevocably. Later, after the Battle, when she had finally shared the details of her heritage with Han, he had encouraged her to reject the hatred that came with the dreadful knowledge, and helped her to conquer her fear of the Darkness to which her father had succumbed. Han had encouraged her to focus instead on the joyous aspect of the revelation, one that outshone the darkness of her parentage: the fact that Luke was her brother, her twin. That happy knowledge had penetrated Leia's torment and pulled her from its grasp. Han shook himself back to the present, his eyes focusing again on Leia's delicate profile as she marched resolutely beside him. His wife, his partner; his mate. He wasn't about to let any damned Dark Jedi take her away from him. As if reading his thoughts, Leia turned to face him, her features softening into a gentle smile, and she squeezed the hand she clasped so tightly. He looked deeply into her beautiful dark eyes, and in their depths he saw the fear she fought so gallantly to hide. //Courage, sweetheart,// his Sense reminded her. //Courage!// She wrapped his strength about her like a shawl, accepting it into her body, into her soul, her Sense. Drawing a deep breath, she closed her eyes, and it seemed to Han that in that moment Leia grew taller, her carriage even more stately, her slender shoulders squared with Jedi determination. When she opened her eyes again and looked at her husband, Han read in them a faith that had heretofore been lacking. He smiled down at her, and she answered with one of her own. They continued down the forest path, toward the fate that awaited them at the base of the twisted Tree. ********************* Aura stood before the Tree's portal to the Outside, quietly observing the proceedings from her watch, ready to make the leap to the outside should her Jedi Knight require her assistance. Around her clustered the children, the Organa-Solo children among them. Jacen and Jaina, joyfully reunited at last, stood solemnly beside her, clasping hands tightly, their combined light pulsing gently around them. Anakin stood with the twins, observing the proceedings outside the Tree through his own enhanced senses, his blue eyes wide and anxious. Aura could feel a certain tension about the three children as they detected the proximity of their parents - and the unmistakable touch of Darkness that likewise approached. Baby Arcadia squirmed in Aura's arms and began to whimper. Aura turned her attention to the child cuddled against her. Though it appeared that the infant was hungry, Aura felt it more likely the baby was missing the irreplaceable Presence of her mother. None of the children would feel hunger, for their bodies would not age while in the confines of the Tree and thus would not need daily sustenance for growth as would normally be required in the Outside World. For reasons she could not fathom, Aura herself was the only one of the village children to age during the years of confinement. She had no way of knowing the how or the why, but she suspected it had something to do with the fact that she was the only one of them to venture outside their haven. From the very first year of exile, when she had been chosen by the Ewoks as the bearer of offerings, twice yearly for fourteen nights Aura emerged from the Tree, to cover herself with the sacred gold dust offered by the furry little pilgrims. Then she would enter the forest - and real time - and gather the gifts left for the lost Jedi children, aging only for the duration of her visits to the outside world, but at an accelerated rate. So long as she did not linger, she aged little. But if she were delayed for any reason, the aging process would jump start and her body would rapidly catch up. "There's Chewie!" Jacen pointed excitedly at the portal, watching the Wookiee's solemn approach to the Tree. In his huge, hairy paws Chewbacca gripped the roughly hewn, Sacred Lantern of Light, extending it before him in the customary gesture of offering. ******************** The Ewoks chanted as they knelt at the base of the Tree, reminding Han of the first time he and his party had met the little furballs, when the natives had thought See-Threepio a golden god and had worshipped him as one, dismissing the mighty Jedi and the cocky Corellian as insignificant. Han's ego still smarted over the incident. Beside him, Leia flinched, causing him to return his attention to her, his amplified senses alerted to the change in hers. "What is it?" he asked softly, concerned. "I don't know," she murmured back, reaching, reaching for...what? She shook her head impatiently. "Something - I don't know what it is...but something is coming toward us..." she broke off as the image was enhanced. "A whole lot of somethings!" Bedlam suddenly erupted around them. "Luke!" Leia cried, and reached for the lightsaber at her belt even as she felt her brother draw his. They ignited their weapons with a simultaneous snap-hiss and turned with exquisite precision to deflect the attack of dual dark images that pounced from behind. Han snatched his blaster from its holster with lightning speed, drawing a bead on a third dark shape as it propelled itself toward Leia. He fired with deadly accuracy, striking the being in the center of its form, flash-burning its heart and sending it to the ground in a hairy heap. Leia swept upward with her lightsaber and cast aside a barrage of primitive spears that seemed to launch themselves from the curtain of the meadow, a sharp gasp of surprise escaping as she finally got a clear view of their attackers. Scores of Duloks, lanky, hostile beings with wild, filthy hair, descended upon the gathering of Ewok worshipers. They swarmed around the congregation, armed with primitive knives and spears, slashing and snarling as they tore through the shrieking tribe of tiny warriors. Totally defenseless, many of the little creatures fell, mortally wounded. As before, the last time humans and Ewoks fought as one, the casualties were high; as before, Leia had to forcefully quell her empathy over the loss of so many of the New Republic's smallest, yet most loyal, allies. Side-by-side-by-side, she and Han and Luke fought to defend their friends. Wounding many of the enemy, dispatching countless dozens, they battled for a seemingly endless period of time. The tall grasses of the meadow appeared to vomit wave after wave of Duloks - all of them the embodiment of Evil, all of them intent upon eradicating Endor's gentler culture from existence. Han, totally absorbed in the fighting, with Chewbacca roaring at his side and slinging Duloks right and left, at first didn't detect the sudden iciness that chilled Leia's Sense - nor did he see the stark terror in her eyes as she beheld the embodiment of Darkness. When her horror finally slammed into his Sense, Han turned to look at her, his stomach tightening at what he saw in her face. Drained of color, her eyes wide and staring, a frozen warning clinging to her lips, Leia pointed to twin figures rising from the center of the meadow. In robes of blackest night they hovered above the Jedi delegation, and as they loomed, wave upon wave of Darkness seemed to emanate from them, feelings of unspeakable dread that threatened to engulf the very soul. Here was the Enemy. Here was Evil Incarnate. //Greetings, Jedi.// The menacing projection oozed into their combined consciousness, the Dark Twins leering at their intended conquest, reaching for her, beckoning. Leia shuddered violently, shaking her head from side to side, backing away from her living nightmare. //Come, little Jedi,// Darkness crooned, at once cajoling and commanding. //Come...let us meet our Destiny - together!// ***************** Aura inhaled sharply as the Dark Twins came into view. Though the visions she'd known during her childhood had come with decreasing regularity as the years had passed, she remembered all too clearly the paralyzing terror that would overcome her when her dreams were haunted by those strange yellow eyes. Now, as the scenario in the Outer World unfolded before her horrified eyes, she watched that same terror paint the lovely face of the Princess. Aura's heart wrenched at the turmoil she felt within her heroine. Aura prayed that her mother's victorious prophecy of the Battle's outcome was true. She prayed that the Jedi were strong enough to triumph over this Twin Evil. Most of all she prayed for the strength of the Tree's shielding, that it was, indeed, impenetrable to Darkness, and that the small Jedi it had protected for so long would continue to be safely harbored. She looked over at the three Organa-Solo children, wide-eyed and frightened as they watched the confrontation building before them, between the people they loved the most, and the entity they most feared. Jacen and Jaina held hands and Anakin sidled over to stand beside his sister and take her free one. As they linked physically, Anakin's light joined with that of the twins, and the three of them shone brightly with the quiet strength of their combined Essence. Aura looked down at the bundle that was Arcadia, squirming in her arms. Delicate blue eyes looked up at her anxiously, tiny fists waving about in seeming protest. Perhaps, Aura thought, even now she can sense the shape of things to come. Arcadia possessed a strength in the Force previously unknown. It was not beyond the realm of possibility for the infant to be cognizant of the battle unfolding outside the Tree. Aura shivered, tightened her arms around the baby and holding the tiny Jedi to her aching heart. Cooing softly to ease the child's distress, Aura returned her attention to the scene unfolding before her, praying with all her might that her mother's bedtime stories had been born of truth. *************** Leia continued to back away from the approaching dual Enemy. She backed into Han and felt his free arm sweep around her, holding her tightly against his side, his blaster raised and ready. "Back off, you bastards," he growled, his voice laced with the menace of a man whose patience had reached its limit. All the months of repressed frustration, shameful feelings of voyeuristic invasion and fear at what he had brought his family into roiled within him, bubbling up with a growing anger and heat that threatened to choke him. //Peace! A Jedi acts when he is calm!/// That disembodied voice; whose was it? Did it matter? //Anger, fear, aggression: the Dark Side are they! Act not upon them, or consume you they will.// Han took a deep, cleansing breath, keeping his temper with great difficulty. He held onto his own dark feelings, though by hair's breadth, for the sole purpose of buying time to formulate a plan. Keeping a lock on Leia with his arm and with his Sense, Han's mind whirled with possibilities for defending her. His fingers tightened warningly on the trigger of his weapon, barely suppressing the instinct to blast these vermin from existence and put a quick end to the whole ordeal. "You!" the Dark Twins spat contemptuously, and through the maze of tall grass the two hooded figures slowly approached, eerie yellow eyes shining from barely discernible wizened faces, peering from their black on black cowls. "You pitiful weakling!" the Dark Ones hissed, their voices curiously overlapping and reedy, as if in speaking they were drawing breath through tortured lungs. "You are unworthy of our attention, is your hairy beast!" The Dark Twins turned a concentrated gaze on Chewbacca, and suddenly the Wookiee was snatched from the ground by an invisible hand, lifted ten meters into the air, and hurled backward toward the other side of the forest, on a direct collision course with a wall of centurion oaks. "Chewie!" Han yelled, watching horrified as his partner soared with increasing velocity toward the massive hardwoods. Acting upon a silent command from Luke, Han and Leia turned their anguish inward and they all reached as one with their Senses, catching their friend in a sure Force grip just as his body reached the line of trees. Their hold was enough to break the speed of Chewbacca's flight and keep him from breaking his neck, but it was not strong enough to prevent him from being knocked senseless upon impact with the first tree. Reaching for the Wookiee's sense, Luke detected the strong beating of Chewbacca's heart and heaved a sigh of relief, turned to Han and Leia and nodded assurance that their ally still lived. //Peace,// he projected toward them both. //They will try to draw us into Darkness, tempting us with every dastardly thought they can conjure. Resist the urge to fight. Use the Force only for knowledge and defense - never out of fear, and never for attack.// Even as that thought was broadcast on their private channel, Leia felt the first dark stirrings deep within her mind. Evil tendrils clawed through her brain, filling her head with pictures of the most intimate moments shared with her husband, now broadcast in glaring detail for every eye to see, every ear to hear, every being to experience. "No!" she protested. Outraged, she lunged against Han's firm hold, her lightsaber raised and ready for battle. To her surprise, and infinite relief, Han took the invasion of their privacy in a saner fashion than she could manage. After weeks of fighting nasty suspicions, Han found he had grown rather accustomed to the dark violations of recent days. He pulled Leia more tightly against him, pressed his lips against her ear. "Shhh, sweetheart, it's okay," he whispered. "I know what they're up to. They won't draw us in that easily." The Dark Twins paused, still cloaked in shadows, and their leering gaze cut through the darkness of the battlefield to focus on the Corellian. "Really, non-Jedi?" they hissed simultaneously. "How much do you really know about what you think you know?" The dark figures moved a step closer to the group of three. "Tell us, Solo," the Twins purred in unison, "whose idea do you think it was for you to come to Endor? Yours?" A wicked chuckle escaped the Dark Ones. "You trifling, stupid human! You are so very arrogant!" Han paused, leery, again quelling the anger building within him. Darkness continued its taunting approach. "It was our projection that put the vision into the female's subconscious. And it was your weakness for her flesh that made fast your plans to bring her back to Endor." Han jerked his head toward Luke, his eyebrows raised. //All the way to Coruscant?// his Sense clearly asked and Luke nodded grimly. //Mara Jade could hear the Emperor from anywhere in the galaxy,// he reminded Han, and nodded toward the Dark Twins. //It's quite possible that they inherited the talent.// Leia stiffened against Han's arm. "But that can't be!" she protested, looking sharply from Luke to Han, her eyes glittering with a simmering anger. "It was Mother who came to me that morning and counseled me to return to Endor!" Her dark eyes flashed as she looked upon the Dark Twins with loathing. "Not them!" A menacing cackle permeated the forest, and the Dark Twins took another step toward their prey. "Is that so, precious little Jedi?" cooed the Twin on the left, slowly moving away from the other, circling the Jedi on one side, while his twin did likewise on the right. "And what of the night your consort convinced you to leave with him and run away to Endor? Was that him? Or was it something bigger than Life dwelling within him - loosed at our command?" She had not thought it possible to feel any colder than she already was, but now Leia began to shake with a chill that seemed to possess her body, leaving her literally quaking as she stared, speechless, at the leering evil menace. "The passion he aroused in you that night," continued the Twin circling to the right. "The desire to do anything to please him, anything to prevent him from putting an end to the pleasure he was giving you, your body, your Sense." Again the evil laugh echoed through the darkened forest. "Did you really think that he alone could convince you to leave all that you had worked for, fought for, what others had died for?" "All those innocent beings who freely gave their lives for Freedom's sake." The Twin on the left took up the taunt, and there was no mistaking the mocking tone in its sinister voice. "Now, my dear, did you really think that he alone would be strong enough to draw you from the power you once held in the palm of your hand?" //Leia!// Luke projected urgently. //Don't let them pull you in! Don't let them pull Han in! You know that if you react, Han will react doubly to protect you!// Seizing upon her brother's warning, Leia stilled her pounding heart, quelled her mounting rage at what she perceived to be a slight to her husband. She concentrated instead on the strength of her love for the man beside her, centered on her pride at the life they had built together, in the children they had created through their love for each other, in their success in overseeing the New Republic in their mutual desire for peace. Aware of the calming of Leia's Sense, Darkness mounted a different attack. Again, the garish yellow gaze centered on the tall figure of Han. "You foolish, foolish man!" spat the Twin on the left. "How very pretentious of you to think that you would be worthy of a Jedi such as this!" The Left Twin extended a sickly white hand in Leia's direction, fingers pointing, claw-like. "This one is a diamond in the rough," he continued. "She is possessed of immeasurable, untapped potential - and she can bear children!" Both Twins laughed in an insane, spine- tingling cackle. "Ours!" Leia's Sense and body shuddered violently. "I'll see you in hell first," Han growled, his voice dangerously low and controlled. Luke watched his friend intently, for he knew that tone. Han was at his limit and Luke feared for the consequences if Han reacted with aggression rather than in their defense. The Jedi Master increased his projections of peace to his brother-in-law, all the while keeping watch on his sister with eyes and Sense. Slowly, silently, layer upon layer of clouds began to dissipate from the now waning secondary moon, and gradually the pale yellowish glow again enveloped the forest. Once more the Evil Ones approached. Han shook his head, as if the movement could stifle the odious suspicions that were returning to his consciousness, could silence the hateful words that continued to spew from the hideous creatures. "The night you took her beneath the stars -" the Evil on their right cackled at the elevation in Han's Sense with the stirring memory. "Yes, you do remember!" The flexing fingers moved from Leia to gesture at the expanse of trees. "Did you think we couldn't see what you were doing, couldn't feel what you each were feeling? Did you think we couldn't be there with you?" The Twins focused again on Leia. "Or within you?" Leia moaned softly, her dignity reeling at the Dark Twins' lurid insinuations. Showing no quarter, again they attacked. "Come now, little Jedi," Darkness admonished. "That's not quite the manner of moans we brought forth that night!" Leia jerked violently within Han's grip, and he held her more tightly against him, feeling the fury that racked her, her body shivering as she fought the nasty innuendo worming its leisurely way through her brain. //It doesn't matter, sweetheart!// Han projected, tightening his grip on her. //Don't let them get to you! You and I both know what we have, what we alone matter the inspiration.// He hugged her body to him, projecting his love with heart and Sense. //Focus, Leia, focus on us! You and me - me and you - us; just us! They have no part in what we are, what we've created together! Search your feelings, baby - you know this!// Han's soothing logic seeped into her Sense, and Leia again gained control of her emotions, embracing the reassuring touch of her husband's mind, followed a moment later by the pacific touch of her brother's. //What they are doing is unspeakable// he told her. //But, Leia, don't let them pull you in! Don't give them the advantage!// Leia's blood pounded in her ears, she again called upon Jedi calming, and soon her composure was restored. Again she faced Darkness with a straight back and squared shoulders. Though her husband had successfully placated her furious Sense, she still felt the rapid acceleration of Han's own temper, and was fearful of his breaking point - and the actions that the Enemy would surely take once the dam was breached. "You poor, poor fool." Darkness again taunted Han and moved ever closer. "You still don't understand, do you? It was our implanted passion that allowed the child to be conceived; it was our desire that was born and continues to grow. Ours, you simpleton!" Slowly the vile implications crystallized in Han's mind and his blood froze. He shook his head from side to side in a manic, jerky motion, as if to evict the horrendous thought. Luke, glancing at Han, noticed that the formerly steady right hand that gripped the Corellian's blaster now shook with uncertainty. The poisoned word-arrows had struck home. "Ah, yes!" the Right Twin crowed. "You do finally see the light." Again the dark laughter. "Or, perhaps, in this case we should say 'the Dark'." Evil threw back his head, as did his twin, and together they howled with unrestrained glee. "You may have planted the seed, quisling, but the seed was of our making! Though the child has your genetic make-up, she is one of our kind!" The Twin Menace moved to within arm's length of Han, taunting, leering, and all three warriors recoiled at the foul stench of hatred that emanated from the pair. "She is ours!" they hissed. "And as we shall have your woman, so shall we have our child!" A sickening recollection of the horror that Leia had endured the night before flooded Han's mind, and he now pictured his own precious Cady undergoing the same violation, years later but a child still. Twin emotions, hatred and fury, at long last unleashed, seized Han's body and Sense as his control finally snapped. Roaring his fury, his right hand jerked to attention as his trusty blaster, seemingly with a life of its own, began a shower of pulses that should have destroyed all in its path. The Dark Twins flung their cloaks about them in a protective fortress, deflecting Han's attack. Trees crashed and stones exploded as Han's laser blasts zapped all but the intended, damnable targets. He pivoted from left to right and back again, firing at his foes; all the while, sparks rained in an eerie blue-white torrent upon the sheltered embodiment of Evil, to no avail. With an uplifted hand, Dark Side lightning shot from the Twins' fingers, directly engulfing Han, unarming him, lifting him and slamming him into the very Tree that lent protection to his children. Leia's Sense shrieked as she watched her husband's broken body crumple to the ground. She fell to her knees beside him, reaching desperately for his Sense, and caught it just for a moment, before it sank into a place she couldn't reach. With its loss came an emptiness that threatened to swallow her with the agony of her grief. //Han!// her Sense cried, battle, lightsaber and nemesis forgotten. Holding her husband's head tenderly in her lap, she stroked his face with her hand, his mind with her mind. His Sense gave no answer; his heart gave no beat. ********************** "Daddy!" the Organa-Solo children cried in unison, standing as a clutch within their shelter, cringing with the shared impact of their father's body as it crashed against the Tree. Instinctively, the young Jedi reached from their haven to caress their father's lifeless Sense, tears springing to their eyes with the shared anguish of mother and children at the loss of their loved one. Jacen pulled his hand free of Jaina's and dashed headlong for the opposite wall of the cavern, toward the portal leading Outside. Aura clutched his shoulder with her free hand as he attempted to dart past her and spun him around. "No, young one," she cautioned. "Now is not the time." "But it's Dad!" Jacen stormed. "Dad needs help!" "Then I'll go, young Jedi," Aura committed herself, quietly placing Arcadia in Jacen's arms. He stood, holding the baby in the awkward fashion with which his father had once held him, many years and three offspring ago. Aura took a quick last glimpse of the Cave's surroundings; then, with a final mental caress to her charges, threw herself into the Outer Portal. "Wait!" Jacen cried. But Aura had already disappeared; and the children were again alone; alone, watching their loved ones battle Darkness to a bitter end, knowing that the day of reckoning was upon them. **************** Han Solo's Spirit hovered in a netherworld of possibilities. He could linger here forever; or, self could be returned to body and in its reunion be strengthened immeasurably. He viewed the proceedings below the Tree with detachment as he floated above the scene. He observed Luke's shocked reaction as Han's body was dashed against the ancient Tree, ached with Leia as she cradled his mortal head in her lap, stroking his hair, her tears falling upon his lifeless face. //No, sweetheart!// Something awakened within him, detachment fled, and his Sense struggled to reach her. //It's okay! I'm here...just give me a minute to catch my breath, and I'll be back in there with you.// Han's determined Spirit fought for the strength to live up to his thoughts. ****************** Leia knelt beneath the Tree, rocking her husband in her arms, searching his face through tear-filled eyes. Reaching with a gentle hand, she tenderly brushed back the lock of brown hair that fell rakishly across his forehead. She reached for his Spirit through the Force, projecting with all of her Strength, searching but finding nothing. //Han! Han! Oh, my love, where are you?// Bitter silence prevailed; no thoughts, no warmth, no melding of Sense - nothing! Luke watched with terrible empathy as his sister gave way to unbearable grief, moaning like a wounded animal. Her pain was a spear that tore into Luke, maiming him even as it crippled his twin. Leia held her husband's head against her bosom for a grievous series of heartbeats, and finally lowered him to the ground with such excruciating tenderness that Luke felt as though his own heart would surely burst for her. He reached for her Sense to offer what comfort he could... ...and recoiled at Leia's sudden Sense-shifting into a staggering rush of rage and despair that tore through her with dual daggers of darkness. Through her fury, Luke could sense the delight that emanated from the Dark Twins, heard their vicious cackle as they reveled in his sister's agony. Leia scrambled to her feet, faster than Luke had ever seen her move, calling her fallen lightsaber to her through the Force so that the moment she stood and extended her hand her fingers clasped about the cool, smooth hilt of her weapon. //Easy, Leia!// Luke cautioned his twin. //Remember! Never in fear or anger! Relax...feel the Force...let it guide you.// Luke joined his Sense with Leia's and ever so slowly steered her into a state of relative calm. //We are peace!// Their thoughts were as one; as their resolve must now be if they were to emerge from this aggrieved contest victorious. Side by side, Luke and Leia again faced their dark foe, lightsabers at the ready, Senses on red-alert, yet deceptively quiescent with the Destiny that now stood before them. Thrice rebuffed, the Dark Twins frowned upon the Skywalkers. The loss of her consort, they had felt sure, would be the female's undoing; and yet again, she had rallied. This one was proving harder to take than previous conquests. Of course, that would just make the ultimate victory all the sweeter. There were many roads that led into Darkness, and the Dark Twins were confident they would find the avenue most easily accessible, most vulnerable to attack. Quickly they thrust again. "How fare your children, my dear?" the Left Twin asked tauntingly. "How especially is dear little Jaina?" Leia flinched violently at the mention of her daughter's name. "How old is she getting to be now? Nine, ten years of age?" Leia stood frozen, afraid to listen, yet afraid not to, the vile insinuations continuing unabated. "She's getting to be quite the little lady now, isn't she?" Right Twin leered. "Give her a few more years to ripen and she, too, will be a breeder." Laughing, Darkness projected unto Leia brutal scenes of such shockingly graphic detail that Luke himself was appalled at the savagery of the attack. As her twin, her Jedi twin, he shared the bitter vision with her, and could feel her Sense weakening with every perception. Shivering, Leia grew ever more horror-struck as image after odious image formed itself in her mind's eye, playing upon every fear that, as the mother of young children, she had ever known, and raising doubts in her mind as to the actual safety of her little girl. Sensing victory, Darkness pressed harder, and the Left Twin whispered suggestively. "We could each have you...we could have you together!" Flashbacks of the savage experience shared with her psychic sister marched to the forefront of Leia's mind. All too well, she recalled the sadistic violation by Palpatine, mind and body, and the vile fruit of that union: the Dark Twins. From past to present, Leia felt Jaina's Sense beside her, and in this perception there was pain and fear and a horrible revulsion. //No!// Leia's Sense shrieked, and with a mighty surge of anger she flew toward the taunting twin on her left, sensing Luke's simultaneous reaction as he faced off with the twin on their right. The Dark Twins sneered at her efforts and, as if swatting at a pesky bug, gestured ever so slightly with the flick of their bony wrists and shoved, throwing her body violently backward and slamming her hard against the trunk of the mystical Tree. Her head struck the hardwood with a resounding crack and her world suddenly went psychedelic. Multi-colored lights flashed before her eyes, a ferocious pain shattering in her mind, permeating her Sense and signaling an impending loss of consciousness. Leia leaned heavily against the Tree, fighting to maintain perception, though the figures before her dazed eyes now seemed to double, triple in number. Her mind searched frantically for Jaina's safe Presence within the Tree and returned with nothing but the perceived atrocity that was being inflicted upon her little girl, and upon Leia herself. Now, in her mind's eye, she saw only the vilest of visions - those planted, nurtured and would-be harvested by the seed of Palpatine. Leia reeled, her body badly damaged, her Soul in mortal torment. Where was Light? Her Sense cried for escape, and finding no solace to shield her weakened body or soul, Leia fought to stay clear of the blackness that dominated her vision, her thoughts, her very Sense. The savage pain in her head flared anew, dominating all perception, and Leia put her hands to her temples, as if trying to push away the pain, deny its existence and thus her weakness. Another blistering bolt of dark energy from the extended fingers of the evil Twins tore into her head. Her vision blurred, colors weaving intricate patterns before her unfocused eyes, and with a soft cry of defeat, she began a slow descent, her back supported by the firm base of the Tree of Life as she slid limply to the ground, there to rest beside the inert form of her husband. There to find temporary relief in merciful unconsciousness. ****************** "Leia!" Luke screamed with voice and Sense as he watched his sister thrown against the Tree, the whole of his being crying out with anguish as she struck, her head thumping hard against its massive base. She crumpled like a rag doll, falling to the ground beside her husband, and there they lay, silent and still upon the damp, fertile moss, soundly defeated. With a torrential wash of dark emotion, the Jedi flew upon his foe, lightsaber flashing, green-white sparks bouncing impotently off the dark cloaks the Enemy had wrapped about them. Again and again Luke attacked, slashing at his Demons with growing anger and frustration. His hatred made him powerful, as previously observed by the Emperor all those years ago, during that final climactic battle with Darth Vader. The Dark Twins held firm behind their barrier and, as one, turned baleful yellowed eyes upon the young Jedi Master. Luke's body was suddenly enveloped with lightning, his bones illuminated with the force of the dark javelin hurled by the Enemy, and Darkness roared with glee, anticipating the reduction of their mighty Foe to a helpless heap. Darkness again would triumph. [End Chapter]