***DISCLAIMER***: All "X-Files" elements and references in this story belong to Fox Broadcasting, Chris Carter, and 1013 Productions, and I am making no money from it. "Sinking" belongs to Jars of Clay. Archiving: Link only, please! ========== Trilogy II: Sinking by shannono shannono@iname.com Vignette, Angst, Mulder/Scully Romance Rated PG Spoilers through "Chinga" Summary: In her last days at the bureau -- and with Mulder -- Scully tries to decide if she's doing the right thing. Part two of three. ========== Trilogy II: Sinking by shannono Scully's apartment Friday, May 22, 1998 8:37 p.m. A single lamp illuminated the apartment as Dana Scully wandered aimlessly, mentally cataloguing the possessions she would soon be wrapping in paper and packing in plain brown boxes. She was leaving. If only she could convince herself it was right thing to do. Oh, the deed was done, or at least the bureaucratic nonsense was finished. She'd filled out all the paperwork, been through the requisite meeting and questioning with A.D. Skinner, even lined up a new job in Baltimore. She didn't really have to move from her apartment, but she'd decided to make a clean break, and the rooms simply held too many memories. If only she could move out of her own head so easily. She smiled despite herself, remembering a weekend not so long ago when she'd told Mulder she intended to do just that -- get out of her own head for a few days. It hadn't worked, of course. For some reason, the craziness of the past six-years-and-some-odd-months followed her wherever she went. If only it would stop. She sighed heavily and stopped her wandering. "If only, if only," she said aloud. "What am I doing? What *should* I be doing?" She stared into the half-light, willing the answers to appear in the air before her. She half expected it to happen; hell, after everything she'd already seen, it sure wouldn't surprise her. Of course, it never happened. The one time she wished it would. Boy, wouldn't Mulder just *love* that. If only he loved her. And that, she realized, was the core of the whole problem. She had fallen irrevocably, irreversibly, hopelessly in love with her partner. The most irritating, intriguing, exasperating, exhilarating man she'd ever known. And he didn't love her back. Squeezing her eyes shut, Scully planted one fist on her hip and rubbed her other hand across her forehead. "Enough of that," she told herself. "If wishes were horses ..." She thought back to the day just over a week ago when she'd finally cornered Mulder for a talk. She'd tried to work up to it slowly, explaining how she loved the X-files, loved working with him, but that she needed a change. She'd told him she didn't want to lose him as a friend, he meant too much to her, but she just couldn't stay at the bureau any longer. His reaction didn't really surprise her. He'd yelled, ranted, threatened, accused, and she took it all, as calmly as she could. She didn't want to make it worse by striking back. Finally, he'd stormed out of the office, and they'd barely spoken a dozen words since. They hadn't had any real cases, and most of the time had been spent tying up loose ends before she left. They hadn't spoken at all outside of the office. She missed him already, and she hadn't even left yet. She shook her head once, hard, and strode determinedly over to her stereo, fixed on filling the oppressive silence with *some* kind of noise. Anything to distract her. Anything to keep her from thinking about him. She pulled out the first three CDs her hands landed on, slapped them into the player and set them for random play. She flung herself down in her favorite chair and listened as the music started, willing herself to hear the words from the speakers and not the ones in her head. Unfortunately, things didn't go exactly as she planned ... >>It's not my problem anymore You see it never really was So you can stop caring as you call it And I'll be fine right here You see that I can play a pretty convincing role So I don't need you, I don't think I need you But you see through my forever lies And you are not believing And I see in your forever eyes And you are forever healing You can't hear what I'm not saying And I can hold out long enough Treading water I keep from sinking I'm not one for reaching You see that I can play a pretty convincing role So I don't need you, I don't think I need you But you see through my forever lies And you are not believing And I see in your forever eyes And you are forever healing Deny myself Deny my heart Deny your help Deny your help And you offer me eternity But why should I buy that? But you see through my forever lies And you are not believing And I see in your forever eyes And you are forever healing ...<< By this time, Scully was leaning forward in her chair, her eyes intent on the speakers. Realization had dawned. How could she expect a grand declaration of love from him, when she'd never really tried to give him a hint of her own feelings? She thought back through the past six years and could recall only a handful of times when she'd done more than return one of his playful barbs, or when she'd offered him real comfort. Sure, she'd made a few overtures here and there, but he'd done the same, and she'd never responded. Could she really leave without giving him -- without giving *them* a chance? Suddenly she sprang to her feet. No, she couldn't do it. She'd been so intent on tying up the loose ends professionally, she'd completely ignored the most important thing. She needed to *know*. And she needed *him* to know. She only paused long enough to run a brush through her hair and grab her purse before she was out the door. ==========END==========