Wild Things
A series of events in the lives of Mulder and Scully, as they gradually deepen their relationship.

I: Where They Are
No spoilers

II: Only For Your Thumb
No spoilers

III: Steely Knives
Spoilers through "Emily"

IV: Zebras
No spoilers

V: I Want To Know
No spoilers

VI: Heart-Histories
No spoilers

VII: This. This. This.
Spoilers through "Kitsunegari"

VIII: There's Someone
Spoilers through "The End"

"The X-Files" and all related characters and stories are the property of 1013 Productions and Fox Broadcasting.
All stories and graphics listed on or linked from these pages are the property of their creators.
All pages on this site are copyright 2001 by Shannon (webmistress).