Title: A Jerry Maguire Ending Author: RocketMan lebontrager@harding.edu Disclaimer: These characters are the property of Chris Carter, and I am in debt to him for their creation. Jerry Maguire is a movie that inspired this and I love it and think everyone should see it. I stole a few lines from it. I will give them back. Rating: MSR, P.....I try not to let anything bad happen to these guys. Warning: This is MSR, and alternate reality type of thing. Distribute: Go ahead, make my day. A Jerry Maguire Ending Tears pouring down her face, for no other reason than him, she fled the office and managed to make it to the elevator before attracting anyone's attention. Dana Scully stepped aside as the whirlwind tore out of the basement office, and glanced after her. Then she carefully stuck her head into the doorway and sighed. Mulder was sitting in his chair, with the bewildered look of a lsot puppy masking the anger at the retreating woman's outburst. "What happened?" she asked, coming to him. He glanced at her and her fingers itched to run through his hair, pull back that one lock that kept falling forward. "She wants me to quit." he said, astounded. "Sam wants you to quit?" she repeated dumbly. fear settling in her stomach like a block of ice. "Yeah, she's worreid about me. I can understand that . . . but the X-Files is what *saved* her!" he sputtered. "I told her that and she started to cry, saying I wasn't thinking about her feeelings; I was being selfish." SCully felt her heart flutter like a captured bird and she tried to ignore the creeping panic. "What did you say?" "I told her she was just being emotional becasue she's pregnant-" "Oh.." Scully groaned. "Not a good idea." "Yeah, I found that out. She said Matt told her the same thing and then she hissed something about all men being insensitive pigs and left." Scully sighed and sat on the edge of his desk. The dazed and confused look was still in his eyes. "Do you think she's right?" Mulder asked, after a moment of silence. "I mean, Sam's been through so much and all she wants is a normal life. But if I stay, then they'll hound her, torment her. I just want her to be happy." She didn't answer him. She couldn't, not without being selfish herself and a bad friend. "Don't ask me that, Mulder." she said quietly, face titled to the ceiling. "But if you feel your search is over, now that you have Sam, then don't feel obligated." He studied her. The sun came through the small rectangular window in their basement office and glittered like rubies in her hair. Her eyes seemed transparent that morning, with the blue green sea only a backdrop for her emotions. "I do feel obligated, Scully, but not in the way you're thinking. I feel obligated to Sam, to make up for the times we missed by giving her answers, and on a silver platter. We still don't have answers and there are others out there. And I . . . I feel obligated to you." Mulder stopped; he couldn't finish what he'd been dying to say. He couldn't ruin things now. But she was going to push it. "Why Mulder?" HIs mind raced for a saving grace that was also the truth. "Because I dragged you into this. I got you into the whole mess and you stuck with me, so now I'm sticking with you. I guess, I want to get you out of it. I enjoy getting us out of it." "Mulder, you talk as if you're a black hole." "Maybe I am," he said sadly. "And I was just sucked up inot you, hunh?" His eyes glanced at hers, to see the seriousness of her face, guage her reaction. "I guess so. I don't know why else you'd be here." She was angry now, angry at his always self pitying attitude. At the constant degrading of himself. "Mulder . . . I wouldn't let anyone talk about you the way you talk about yourself. And I'm not letting you do it anymore. Understand? I'm here with you becasue I want to be here. Contrary to your belief, I chose to be here, Mulder, I was not sucked in, forced, or coerced into it. I wanted this." Her eyes were choppy with the turbulation of her deeply felt emotions; hair alive with the fire of conviction. A zealot for her cause, passion for her love of the search. Or was it just the man behind the search? "You want me to be with you?" he whipsered, surprised and shicked mixed with a hint of longing, like his face was a drink. "Yes I want to be with you." Her words tumbled out before she could catch hold of them, anchor them to her brain and sort out their meaning. He knew what they meant. She did too. "I want you here with me," he said, his eyes seemingly deep and sorrowful, brown oceans of emotion that she was caught in. The tides of something stronger than her were pulling her in over her head and she wasn't even trying to swim free. She couldn't say much more. It hurt already to say so much and not know. Maybe there would be a time for it later. "Why are you still here, Mulder? Your life long quest has ended. Samantha is back, and you know the reasons behind it, if not the purpose. What keeps you here?" "I thought Sam could refill that hole that was there when she was gone. But it hasn't, becasue it isn't her hole to fill anymore. It's something incredibly amazingly different - and it changed while I wasn't looking." he said, his eyes never straying from her face. "What fills the hole now Mulder?" "Now? Nothing but fantasies." Scully's heart was going off rapid fire. "Of what?" He couldn't believe it. She was asking and he was going to answer. "You," he whipsred. He saw pain flash across her eyes, then understanding and finally, hope and longing. "Proving things to you, watching you, solving a case with you, thinking with you, about you, talking with you - it all gives me a satisfaction, a joy that bringing home Samantha never could. It's you I need, you in my nightmares, calling for me when you were abducted, in my dreams coming to me. It's you I need. You complete me." Her eyes dropped and tears fell. She then looked up at him, swollen rivers of tears making her eyes shimmer. "Do you love me?" she whispered. "Yes." Her eyes closed briefly as if she were physically absorbing the shick of such a blow, mortal wound. He stood and came around to her, because even with this confession she could not start it, she could not make first contact. She could not show weakness. He pulled her into his arms. "You don't have to love me back," he said, and they were the hardest words of his life. She made a small whimpering noise. "You had me, Mulder. From the moment I saw you, you had me." The end. Adios RocketMan